Music Magic

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Applejack's POV:
I know Rarity's gonna win, but she's gonna need something to really stand out. I know her competition ain't much, but Trixie has been gettin' slightly better with her magic and Wallflower Blush finally has some friends and confidence, so she's gonna need her a-game. Hmmmm...
"I got it!" I scream.
"What is it?!" asked Rainbow.
"I know how we can help Rarity win the crown!"
"Wait," said Twilight. "When was this even an issue?"
"I was just thinkin' that a little extra somethin' wouldn't hurt."
"And what is this something?" asked Sunset with finger quotations.
"Yea!" yelled Pinkie. "What is it?! What is it!?"
"Well, how did we make sure Twilight won the crown last year?" Twilight looked confused.
"Oh, Princess Twilight, right," she said.
"Well," interjected Sunset. "You girls showed the school that you care and that you accept all their differences. And it worked, now the school is a more accepting place."
"Yea," said Rainbow. "And now that it's like a 20% cooler place, it doesn't need that to be done again."
"Yes," I say. "But how did we get their attention?"
"Through a musical number!" Pinkie yelled.
"Exactly!" I yell back. "It could be like a pre-show to what we are gonna perform at the fall formal."
All the girls looked 'round at each other and nodded.
"Sounds like a plan," Twilight said.
"Now we should probably tell Rarity though," I chuckle. We all share a laugh and then part our separate ways.

-time skip to the next day at lunch-

Rarity's POV:
Thanks to Applejack's brilliance, we are about to perform our fall formal pre-show! But it's also to help boost my popularity and help me win the crown! Oh, and I know I just look stunning in a tiara and my dress is coming along wonderful. Everything's coming up me!
"Ok girls," Applejack said, breaking me from my thoughts. "We're gonna go up there and sing a slightly revised version of Magic of Friendship and then when we hit the course we'll pony up. And Pinkie, did ya remember the ears and tails?"
"Ok good," sighed Applejack. "Um... what else is there?"
"Applejack, darling," I say, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Stop stressing. Everything is going to be perfect."
"Yea, your right, I just want this to go well."
"And it will."
"Now," Rainbow interrupted. "Let's show this school how to rock!"
We all went on stage, and today was the day that Rainbow actually took a chill and let me lead the band. I assume Applejack had quite a lot to do with that, but that's besides the point. The point is that Principal Celestia did not regret letting us have some time off to rehearse and put a stage in the cafeteria because we were brilliant.
We were incredible. Every note was crystal clear and perfect. And when we ponied up, no one could look away.
The crowd also loved the ears and tails Pinkie shot out from her party canon. Everyone cheered as the song ended. And just for extra measure, I yelled "Vote Rarity!" into the mic.
"That was amazing," said Applejack, coming up behind me. She walked around and pulled me into a hug that all are band mates joined and ended up becoming a group hug.
"Thank you," I whisper so only Applejack can hear. "Thank you," I say again so this time everyone can hear. "You're the best friends in all of Canterlot and beyond."

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