Knight In A Not So Shining Truck

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Rarity's POV:
I saw headlights and I just knew it was Applejack. I didn't realize how absolutely freezing the brick walls of this uncouth alley way were until I removed my back and arms from them.
I ran up and waved to Applejack who pulled over. She pushed open my door from across the car and I quickly hopped in.
"Thank you so much darling. You don't know how grateful I am to have a friend like you who I can always rely on." I beamed at her. Applejack really was the best friend anyone could ask for.
She started the car as her cheeks flush a bit.
"Aw, it was nothin'. I'm just being a good friend."
"An amazing friend," I corrected. She blushed again.
"It's really nothin'," she said looking a slight bit flustered. Then her faced turned into concern. "But what exactly happened? You sounded terrified."
"Ah yes, I was terrified. It's a long story though and I'd hate to bore you."
"Bore me? Pfft. You could never."
"Well ok then," I sat and then I tell my story. I explain everything from start to end including how I felt she was the only one I could call in my time of need.
"Wow," Applejack said. "Uh," she seemed to be at a loss for words. "Well I'm glad your outta there. I always had a bad feeling 'bout that Fancy Pants guy."
"Yes," I say as I roll my eyes, "and I just know Sunset is gonna be all like, I TOLD YOU SO."
"And Twilight's probably gonna give you a safety lecture," she added.
We both giggled.
"I should probably tell them what happened before Monday comes around. They deserve to know."
"Well we should arrange somthin' then," Applejack suggested. "How 'bout we meet up at the mall. It ain't fancy enough for Fancy Pants, so we won't see em there."
"Sounds perfect," I reply. "I text the group chat."
The rest on the ride was silencing. My mind couldn't help but flashback to the pervious events of tonight. I stared aimlessly out the window as these thoughts attacked me. I didn't even realize we had gotten to my place until Applejack opened the door and offered me a hand.

Applejack's POV:
Rarity looked a little shaken still. Her eyes were glossy and a tear of mascara rolled down her cheek. Finally after a few good seconds of waiting, took ma hand and I helped her out. I put ma arm 'round her shoulders and led her to her house.
She fumbled around with her bag, eventually gettin' her keys. Her hands were rather shaky as she unlocked the door. They were even more shaky then when she'd been textin' the others.
I take her all the way up stairs to her room.
"Could you be a dear and help me undo my dress," she asked is a whisper.
I walk up to her and unzip her dress. I try not the admire how smooth and perfectly carved out her back is, but I couldn't help myself. It was probably time for me to head home anyways.
"I should get goin' now."
"No!" I was taken aback by her sudden volume. "Please stay," she said, her voice quiet again.
I find my way back to the bed as she removed her accessories, changed, went to the washroom and then finally came and sat down beside me on her bed.
She was wearing her adorable night gown and as she sat down she pulled her hair out from her high pony tail.
"I just wanted to thank you again," she said solemnly. "I know I can always rely on you and you mean the world to me."
She leaned in and hugged me so tight. I hugged back feeling her heart beat against my chest. Eventually I pulled away though.
"I don't even know why I kept you here," Rarity said. "I guess I just didn't want be alone."
She was starin' at the ground and twistin' the fabric of her night gown in her fingers. She still seemed pretty upset.
"Hey," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's no problem. I really don't mind statin' here as long as ya need."
She looked up into my eyes. I could see her's were slightly red and puffy from all the cryin'. She grabbed my hands and laced her fingers in mine. Our eyes didn't break for a second.
"You know," I gulped, then it just burst outta me. "You were on ma mind all day."
Rarity's face looked shocked then confused, then she smiled and blushed.
"Likewise," she said. Then she leaned in and kissed me.
I was in completed shock. But I closed my eyes and savoured it. Eventually it came to a close and we pulled away. Both of us were in total shock.

Rarity's POV:
Oh my goodness, what have I done? Applejack is my dearests friend and I may have just completely ruined it in a matter of seconds. She doesn't seem to mad about though, just shocked.
"Umm," I look for the right words to say. "I think I'm going to get to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."
"S-see you then."
And with that she left. I don't know what's going up happened next, but tonight has been a roller coaster of emotions.

Applejack's POV:
I'm shaken. As I left Rarity's place I couldn't stop thinkin' 'bout that kiss. It was incredible, but I just don't know what it means. Where do we stand now? I just can't believe it, it's so absolutely shocking. Maybe I should just get to bed and when I wake up everything will be back to normal.

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