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*Dippers point of view

I mumble some excuse about research to Grunkle Ford about research, and since he devoted his life to research, he let me go with a quick pack of food.

"Make sure to bring and extra pen in case you need it!" He calls after me as I head out the door. I hold up a handful of them. As I am then ejected from my body, I can see how proud of me he is. It hurts.

Bill runs, staggering a bit, into the woods. Dipper floated after him.

"Bill! What are you doing!" He called but Bill didn't answer. Soon they came to the town wall.

"Ok kid. This is it. I just might be able to get out of town, or there is a slight chance of he burning your meat sack of a body to a crisp. Here we go!" He said and before I could even try to stop him, he fell forwards into the barrier the way he fell down the stairs last time. Nothing happened.

"I'M FREE!" Bill screamed, then ran away from the town. Cold rushes through my body.

"NO! How?" I say. Then Bill hits an invisible wall and flies back at least 50 feet. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

"I, uh, might have misjudged the distance. But that was fun! Pain is-"

"I know, I know. Pain is hilarious! Can you please stop? I want to be able to use my own body someday, so I'd appreciate it if you stoped forcing yourself inside of my body, thank you very much." I say, then I realize how wrong that sounds. Bill must have read my mind.

"Uh, a bit wrong. I've heard worse. This is so much fun though!" He gets up. One of my legs is twisted the wrong way, and even he shows signs that it hurts. All things considered, he still runs into the barrier over and over, until he can't even get up anymore.

"I'm getting tired Pinetree. Your turn!" He calls innocently. I watch as he leaves my body, but I don't go back in. I don't even want to imagine how much it would hurt.

"If you don't go in your body will die, so chop chop kid." He says. I do nothing. Maybe that's not so bad..

"Do it, or I'll just do this with Shooting Star. I'm not playing games, Pinetree. Do it. NOW!" He bellows in rage, turning red and slightly bigger. I brace myself and dive into my body.

"AHH! AHH! OH! Make it stop! Please! Bill! It hurts!" I writhe in agony.

"You humans make too big a deal about little things." he grumbles, then waves his hand over my body. I scream as burning pain rushes through me and my bones are all pushed back in place, and all major breaks and cracks mend. My eyes darken around the edges.

"Not yet Pinetree, Not yet." He smiles, clearly enjoying it. I can feel things fixing inside too, and am thankful for it. I mean, I hate him, but at least he doesn't leave me here to die.

"Oh, I'm leaving you alright." Bill whispers. I keep forgetting he can read minds. Just like that, He pops away.

Leaving my notebook, pens, and backpack, I stagger back towards the shack. I still am covered in lumps and cuts and scratches. All more minor things but they still hurt. I can't see were I'm going and I fall over a raised tree root. It was the final thing to turn out the lights, and as I fell unconscious, I heard a voice.

About time you came to join me Pinetree. We need to talk.

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