Some Body that I used to Own

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*Dippers Point of View

I finish cleaning. I feel numb. I wait by the front door for about two hours. I still haven't eaten. Not like I want to mix cherry and pumpkin really anyways. After cleaning, I don't want to eat. I feel wrong inside. Sick. 

Bill appears with a group of people in a long line of chains. I'm so happy that none of my family is there, I almost don't see Soos. He looks really upset. He doesn't recognize me. I don't blame him.

"Alright Pinetree. These fools  all thought they could up and leave town. Some did, so I just gotta punish these ones. I'm taking them downstairs. Make something to eat, eat, then come down and feed these guys. Then clean up my mess. Cya in a few!" He teleports away, with the chain of people. I hear disturbing noises in the basement. I gently close the door. I can't take it anymore. I go to the kitchen and look for something, anything sharp. Pointy. Even blunt but narrow. Eventually I find some kids safety scissors and a whisk. That'll do.

I cut the end of the whisk and hold it away from me, but facing towards me. My hand shakes. I don't know if I can do it. I don't think, I just act. Like Great Uncle Stan. I plunge it into my gut. It hurts, but it feels good in a way to. I don't have to deal with Bill anymore. He can't take over my body if I'm dead. He can't use me against my family if I'm dead. He can't hurt me if I'm dead. I try to be quite as I twist it up behind my ribs. I can't, but I can be muffled. Just a bit farther and I'm done fote.

"Pinetree. Its me we're talking about. Here let me fix that for ya." Bill appears behind me and puts his hand on my stomach. I'm healed. I shake in fear. There is no escaping him.

"Now you're getting it! You've been a bad boy Pinetree. I usually just mess around with electricity like I did with Sixer, but I held back for you. Get ready for a never ending nightmare. You still have to clean up later, don't forget." He chuckles with a wave of his hand. He makes a fist. Then he picks me up and throws me through the doorway into the living room. A pyramid forms over me. Chains hold me by the torso, arms and legs. Of course, they're blue. They always are with him. I pull at them, to no prevail.

"I really gotta go, you know, guests downstairs so I'll make it fast." He says as if he is doing a chore or something. Electricity sparks through the chains. I scream and cry. I beg and plead but it doesn't stop. He laughs as it goes. Suddenly Soos is tied to a chair in front of the pyramid.

"Pinetree, Question Mark. Question Mark, Pinetree. Like his new look fatso?" Bill laughs in Soos' face. Soos looks at me for a long time then realization hits him.

"Dipper? Dude, is that you?" He asks. I can't move or speak. It hurts to even keep my eyes open. But if I can hold out just a few seconds more, maybe Great Uncle Stan will burst through the door and punch the heck out of Bill , or Great Uncle Ford will be here to shoot Bill with a ray gun, or. Wait. No. They hate me. I have no reason to keep going. I relax, but needles shoot up my spine, keeping me frozen.

Wait. No. They don't hate me. Bill made that up! I can't tell real from nightmares! I wish I had Mabels choces. Everything you ever wanted sounds pretty good down here. Also, I just released that I haven't had a shower in months. Soos question. I forgot! I try again to answer but everything is blurry and is swaying. It all burns so much!

"Oh its Pinetree alright. He and I were just playing around, but its so much more fun with an audience!" Bill laughs. He makes another fist and electricity is coursing through me again. Then it stops and the chains light on fire. My skin turns red then blisters and pops in the heat. I scream in agony. 

Then finally it stops. I fall to the floor of the cage I'm in. The bars fuse into glass walls. Water starts dripping into the cage in a slow trickle. I welcome the cool water on my burning skin. I try to take a drink but it evaporates in my mouth. Of course.

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