Can't Say I Didn't Try

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*Bills Point of View

I am a bit frustrated right now. Pinetree wont eat unless I make him. And to make him I have to possess him. Its a lot more work than its worth. So now he's undernourished, and even weaker than before. At least he isn't as weak as last time I saw him. I've even tried tempting him him with jerky but nothing is helping. I think its because he thinks I killed Shooting Star.

I know its all his plan, but at this rate he might even die. Not to mention that I have to punish him for this so he has a hard time even waking up. He hasn't gotten up in almost a week.

I'm bored out of my mind. My fortress is literally under the mystery shack. I couldn't help myself. When weirdmageddon ended the spell keeping me out dissolved and I find it ironic that Sixer has been planning to save Pinetree while he's only 11 feet beneath him! I never get credit for these things, but I'm stinking hilarious.

Then I have an idea. I make sure Pinetree is completely under then transform myself to look like Sixer. I create glasses like his to hide my eyes. I could change my eyes but unless I'm in the dreamscape its difficult and always comes out a little off.

I ruff up the figure a bit then stand over Pinetree. I quickly undo all of the leather straps. I scream as if in pain using my voice, then try to do an impression of Sixer.

"Kid! Get up! Wake up! Bill is too strong! We can't hold him back for long!" I exclaim. Pinetree got up slowly, then jerked awake.

"Grunkle Ford! You came!" He exclaimed. Tears well up in his eyes.

"Of course kido! Hurry. There isn't much time. Here, eat this!" I say as much like Sixers voice as possible. He greedily garbled down the plate of food. Then I pretend to drag him to the door. The poor kid can't even stumble. I have to partially carry him. Then I made us both get wrapped in blue chain. His hurt but mine didn't. No need. I think I'm an alright actor. Then I disintegrated my new body. Pinetree's scream echoed all the way to the mystery shack. In my minds eye I can see the rest of the Pines family jerk awake. I remember its about 3:00 am. I turn my attention back to Pinetree. I appear behind him as Shooting Star.

"Oh Pinetree, you are much to gullible. You start eating food or this will be a daily occurrence." I say. He stares at me, confused. Then it clicked.

"Bill just stop. Please." He begs. Tears wet his cheeks. I melt the form of Shooting Star and strap him to the table.

"That was fun! Next time you don't cooperate it really will be them." I get up in his face. He is shaking with fear, and do I detect rage? I decide to test him, make him snap. I silently offer him a tube of edible glitter that came from nowhere. He sobbed as he ate it. I know hes thinking about Shooting Star. She's who I stole it from in fact. She's obsessed.

"She's alive, for now. Enjoy your meal. I'll be back in a few for some real fun!" I cackle and teleport to the woods. I mess with time a bit and blow up some trees. I sure am bored. I think about Pinetree again.

I tried to make this somewhat easy for him. You can't say I didn't try, and now he forced my hand.

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