An U̶n̶e̶x̶p̶e̶c̶t̶e̶d Unwanted visit

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*Mabel's Point of View

We can't take Grunkle Ford out of the shack. Three reasons. One, Bill was just at the hospital. Two, its only safe here. Three, he might not make it if we try.

We lay him down in the den and I look through his magical medicine cabinet. I know what I'm looking for. Grunkle Ford has a bottle of Magic Spit from another dimension that supposedly can heal all wounds. It takes forever, but I find it. I run up the stairs of the lab two at a time. I hear talking. I recognize Grunkle Stans voice, and Bill?!?! 

 I press against the door we used to replace the vending machine, and slowly open it. Nobody is in the gift shop. I sneak towards the doorway into the den. I peer around the corner. They're both in there.

"I said you're not not welcome here. Ford put up dream catchers. You shouldn't even be able to!" Stan Is yelling. Bill grabs his knees and does a flip, while laughing.

"I know I've said it before, but honestly. Its funny how dumb you are! " He chuckles.

"I can't use my magic in here. I can still come in here. I'm not trapped unless I use magic. If Fordsy was still here I'm sure you'd know this. But hes gone. Say, was there too much of a mess? I have a new slave who is all to willing to clean. Although the cleaner he always uses smells a bit too strongly of ,pinetrees." Bill says with one hand in the air and one under his eye as if he is rubbing his chin. Then his eye widened and he grew huge, red, and scary. Grunkle Stan lunges at him. Bill sidesteps him

"Heh, Sixer wouldn't be that stupid. Without him you're all doomed to fail!" Bill cackles. Stan stares him down.

"WHAT?" Bill then screams in Grunkle Stans face. He must have read his thoughts.

"He's alive. We'll stop you." Stan says, staring into his eye. 

"Of course he is. Great." Bill rubs his eye lid in frustration.My thoughts whir in my head. I'm just glad Bill doesn't see me.

"I already told you Shooting Star. I. See. Everything." He says without turning. With a sigh I step out from around the corner, holding the medicine behind my back.

"You know, your brother could really use that magic spit. I'll let you choose. Pinetree or Fordsy. Heh, it even rhymes. You see, this works well for me because either way there is someone from the cipher wheel who is gone. Makes it all the easier for me." Bill holds out his hand expectantly. Dipper or Ford. Dipper or Ford. If I save Dipper, he still will be Bills prisoner. He was willing to die to end it before. Plus if I save Grunkle Ford we can still save Dipper. And Bill lies. A lot. Dipper could be fine. I shake my head and step back.

"Huh, your smarter then you look. Not saying much though. After all, you take after Fez here. I'll be watching you. The millisecond you step outside, you're going to die. I'll kill you all. After all, All pinetrees Fall! MWAHAHAHAHA" Bill cackles then fades out of existence. Trying not to show that I'm shaken, I go to the guest room where we moved Grunkle Ford. I pour the bottles contents onto Grunkle Fords head. Not all though. His head starts to heal. My spirit lifts, but I still save some for Dipper. 

Bill lies all the time. He better have been this time.

"Mabel?" Ford asks weekly. Hes already awake. I almost said like magic, but it is. So I guess it makes since.

"What happened to *cough* Dipper?" He gasped and tried to sit up.

"Bill got him. I'm sorry. He was just here. He, he almost Killed you Grunkle Ford. I think he wants to kill Dipper!" I sob, hugging him. Grunkle Stan rushes in, holding a bat above his head. He see us, and gets on the other side of Grunkle Ford and the three of us lay in silence. 

"I think Bill dropped a hint about where he's keeping Dipper and what he's doing." Stan says.

"Quiet, You'll wake her up." Ford shushes him, then winces in pain.

"The kid slept through the first week of Weirdmageddon. Shes fine." Stan replies. I pretend to snort one snore and roll over. I want to yell though. I wasn't sleeping. I was trapped in a giant bubble. Still, I think I convinced them I'm asleep.

"See?" Stan asks. Grunkle Ford Sighs.

"Ok, then what do you think you heard?" He asks, clearly skeptical.

"Well, first he called me neighbor. Like he's nearby. Then he said something about finally moving into a human house. After that, he said he couldn't stay long because Pinetr- Dipper, was home alone. Then, when Mabel came in, he said something about his new slave. So he must have taken over a human house nearby in the woods and is keeping Dipper as a slave!" Stan concludes.

"Or he's leading you on. If we leave the shack, He'll kill us. Heck, he tried to kill me inside the shack. We need to be careful. I think we should try to evacuate the town before another Weirdmageddon happens." Ford concludes the conversation.

"I'm going to take Mabel up to her bed. We're not done here." Stan grumbles. he walked around the bed, and saw me. I couldn't hide the tears so I just opened my eyes. We made eye contact. It was the hardest thing to do in my life. That's really saying something.

"Oh no. Pumpkin, please don't do anything stupid." Stan begs me. Its to late for that though. Blinded by rage and tears, with no real destination I rush out of the room. I need out of the Shack. I need my brother. I want him back. I burst out the door in the gift shop and don't even get ten feet.

"Well, that was quicker then I even thought it would be. Nice ta see ya Shooting Star." Bill is floating in front of me. Then he multiplies until he surrounds me in a circle. Chains wrap around me and I squirm to no prevail.

"MABEL! NO!" Grunkle Stan yells. I look back at him. Why was I so stupid?

"Lets go Shooting Star. I know a little boy who is just dying to see you again!" Bill cackles and just like that, I'm gone.

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