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*Dippers Point of View

I run outside the minute Bill left I get to the edge of the yard. The house is normal enough. Much better condition then the Mystery Shack. Not that the Mystery Shack is really ever taken care of.

I fling open the gate and launch myself past it. Or I tried to. I hit an invisible barrier and am launched so far back I hit the steps to the house. I cry out in pain as my head hits the hard wood. Not doing that again. I walk around the house. Its tiny. Bill must be using magic to make it bigger inside, like the tardis. I'm a nerd. Did you honestly think I didn't watch Dr Who?

I walk back inside. The house on the outside is what seems to be a tiny one bedroom, one floor house. The inside has three floors and a creepy dungeon. There are cobwebs and stains everywhere. I look at the mop. Its right were I left it. This will take a while.

I clean for hours. Soon I get hungry. Bill still isn't back. How long is his visit with my family? He can't use magic inside the shack so I can only assume that they're fine. I hope. I look in the kitchen for food. There is nothing except a jar of what looks a lot like blood in the fridge, and the cabinet is full of tanks holding what I'm certain are human hearts. I slam the cabinets shut and continue cleaning. Not so hungry anymore.

After at least 10 hours Bill is back.

"Well, got to hand it to ya kid. For a human, not to shabby. Then again, you were here for like, twelve hours." He waves his hand and the entire place is clean and my supplies are gone.

"Bill, erm, Master? I'm hungry and I don't know about you but humans need nourishment to survive." I say. He makes an apple and bottle of wine appear in front of me.

"Kids can't drink wine. Its like poison to our minds." I say. Bill shutters. After all, his main territory is the mindscape. Its replaced with a bottle of water. The apple tastes horrible but I force it down. Mabel will come. I'm not sure I even want her to, but she'll save me. But I need to be alive for that.

"I'll bring some real human food in a minute. Did you know that time here when you're alone moved 68 times faster? I'm gone for a minuet and Its a little over an hour for you. You see, Shooting Star hasn't even waken up from my last visit. I was just out scouting. I brought you a job. Chore, if you will. Its in the basement. Be back in a few! BYE!" He says and in a flash of light he's gone. I hear something on the front door. I go and open it. A sign is hanging there.

Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside-down and I rule Supreme! Welcome one and all to the Cipher house!

It reads. I slam the door. I hate him more than anything or anyone else in the wold. More than Dippy-fresh, and I snapped his neck!

I know that whatever it is is bad, but I kinda want to see whats in the basement. I spend a few more hours doing nothing, until my curiosity gets the best of me. I go down the stone steps. Its even creepier in here. All the walls are replaced by red and blue glowing bars. I hear heavy breathing down the corridor. I creep down it. I discover the bars only glow if they are with about 4 feet from me. If they're farther they go dark. The sound stops. I look and see a small figure in one of the cells. 

"Dipper Pines? Is that you boy? Well ain't I glad to see you 'ere. Say, were are yer folks?" Came Gideon's voice. Ugh the little creep. I walk closer to him. The bars light up. He has a black eye an his suit is torn, but besides that he seems fine. He seems shocked to see me.

"What happened to you? I say, you look like you just crawled out of hell. And that is a bold fashion statement. Help me out, we can talk on the way out of here." He says, struggling at the chains suspending him in mid-air. Can we take a second to recognize that he is like, 2 and a half feet tall?

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