My 2nd Bubble

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*Mabel's Point of View

I'm trapped in a bubble. First he takes me to a creepy dark room. I can't see very well past the bubble but I think I see Gideon and a human version of Bill Cipher along with the triangle Bill I know so well. The triangle version talks. I can hear raised voices, and I think I hear Dipper. There's no gravity in here and I'm stuck floating. I have no idea what to do. Why was I so stupid?

Then I am in a small closet sized room, still in my bubble. I curl up my legs and hold them against my chest. My hair is all over and when I breathe its sucked into my mouth. Then I relize something. Its getting hard to breathe. The bubble is keeping out air. I pound on it and try to pop it with the knitting needles I always carry with me. On the 8th try it works. I open the tiny door and step out of the little dark room. The room I'm in now is huge. Bigger then the mystery Shack is even. The ceiling is like, 30 feet high. The walls are bare and white. The floor is unpolished wood. Bill is floating by the other door, with his arms crossed. I back away from him. Then I realize it was Bill who popped the bubble. 

"Heya Shooting Star. Just gotta make a small adjustment. FYI you are the most lucky meatsack in here. The boys are downstairs getting, special treatment. I decided to be kind and keep you up here. Pinetree should bring you food.  Also, you're lucky in another way. Time passes normal in this room and this room alone. Your brother thinks its been almost 3 days since the incident on the roof." Bill tell me. I rub my neck with the memory. That was only an hour or 2 ago. Then a chain hooked to the wall wraps itself around my ankle and fuses. A shaggy bed appears in the corner. Then a mountain of yarn.

"Its up to you to make sweaters. You seem decent enough at it. I will place orders. I want 20 identical red and black ones for my friend Alastor. He helped open some stupid hotel and was hoping for a visit. This will be my gift to say sorry but no. Trust me Shooting Star. You never want to make a Demon unhappy. Ever. I want tailcoats and a black bow tie around the neck. Make sure there are pockets. If its not good enough, there will be a punishment." He says and with that he's gone. I pull on the chain but it doesn't budge. I sit against the wall, mentally reprimanding myself for about an hour. Then I get to work. There's nothing else to do.

I can hear screams downstairs but they seem to be fast-forwarded or something. Like really fast. Then they stop. No noise is welcome at first, but I find it to be almost worse then the screams. I click my knitting needles together as loud as I can and sing the song I wrote with Dipper when we were 9.

I don't need anybody

Nobody but you

My other half

My only twin

Is you

I don't need friends

Until it ends


You and I

I and you

Are all we'll ever need

Because without yooouuu

I think we got the point, through

I sing. It has a horrible tune we both learned to play on the recorder. We did win 2nd place in a talent show with that number though. I sing the song repetitively. After a while, I have three sweaters done. I made sure nothing is backwards. Last year I though that made it cute so I did it on purpose. I do value my life though so I don't do that. I use a silky black yarn and a shiny red yarn with lighter highlights in it to add texture. I'd actually be proud if I wasn't being forced to do this. 

I work until I've made 7 as identical as I can sweaters. I don't know were Bill is but if he isn't here then I might be able to go and save Dipper. The I remember something. Bill said Dipper would bring me food. If that's true then we can leave! I wait on the bed. The cuff around my ankle barely makes it to the edge. Sure enough, a knock on the door get my attention.

"Mabel, please tell me you're not actually here." Came Dippers voice. He sounds, broken. Defeated. Not my brother at all.

"Dipper! Hurry! Come in here!" I call. The door handle slowly turns. Then the door opens. I run as close to the door as I can but I can't get far from the chain. A boy I've never seen before walks around the corner. He has white hair with flakes of gold in it. He's dressed in all gold and has tattoos even though he seems to be about my age. I don't even have a clue who he is until I notice he is covered from hear to toe in blood splatters. You'd think I would have seen that first.

"Bill? Is this your human body?" I ask. The boy stares at me sadly. Then I start to recognize him. The hair color changed but is still the same length and style, well, a little longer. The skin tone is lighter but still familiar. His eyes didn't change. Its my brother.

"Oh my-! Dipper?" I ask. He gives a slight nod. He walks closer and I leap at him. The chain holds me back and he flinches away. He's not the same.

"Bi- Master says your hungry? All there is is canned cherries, flour, milk, and pumpkin pie filling but I might be able to make something." He says, his lip shaking. He is hunched over, like he expects me attack him. He looks older to. His eye seem to have seen what can not be unseen.

"Master? Dipper what happened to you? Come on, we need to get out of here!" I say. I grab his hand and pull. He yelps and dives away. He looks like a wild animal. I see deep bags under his eyes. I wonder if he's slept. It looks like hes been up for days strait.

"Dipper! Its me." I say. I'm shaking. A look crosses his face as he seems to process this. He turns slightly and I can see a big chunk of hair missing on the left side of his head. My right. Where is is is a bloody mess were Bill must have removed the plate Grunkle Ford put in.

"Mabel, if I leave he'll, he'll. You, I. You would end up like Gideon did downstairs. If you get out, leave the town. Its, its not sa, safe anymore." He says shaking. I try to steady him. He collapses against me.

"Mabel! All I've wanted this summer was to see you but you need to go! I'll come back tonight when Master is finishing off Gideon. I'll find away to get rid of your shackles then I'll distract him. Don't get help. Don't come back. The town border isn't far. Maybe you can call Grunkle Stan to tell him more. And Grunkle Ford. Is he alive? Not that it matters. Bi- Master has been watching it. Nobody can leave. Promise me you won't come back Mabel, promise me." he begs. I only nod. He falls asleep for a few minuets then jerks awake screaming and holding his head.

"Master says I need to go. Good-bye Mabel." He says like a robot and leaves my room. I collapse on the bed and cry. I just want him back! This isn't Dipper!

"Hmm. Another Pines twin seeming all to desperate. Ironic how often that is." Bill appears behind me.

"I don't know what you did, but I want Dipper back." I demand, hiding my shaking hands. Bill just laughs.

"Even you aren't stupid enough to make a deal at this point. I'm just noticing your desperate. Also, a little inside information. He and I have come to something of a standstill. He does what I says until I go 'to far' then he fights back. I can beet him but I feel its just a waist of energy. Besides, as my friend Alastor often says, I'm only doing it for the same reason any demon does anything. Sheer, absolute boredom. I haven't taken a knife to him in almost a week and when I did it was for those lovely new tattoos of his. I know your little plan for tonight. I won't interfere. After all, this is all for my enjoyment and I love a little drama. But if you leave, I will make everything 10 times harder for him. Think on it Shooting Star. You might want to hurry on those sweaters. I want it done in 3 hours. Later sucker!" He cackles and disappears. I hear more screaming downstairs. But its not sped up. The door is open, and for whatever reason, either time is moving right everywhere or I'm moving super fast.

I finish the sweaters while thinking. Bill is insane. If I leave Dipper here, he will get hurt. Bad. But if I stay we can't rescue Dipper later and nobody will know where Bill's fort is. I make my decision. I'm sorry Dipper.

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