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*Fords Point of View

I sit up fast. I listen closely. Nobody else is awake. Is it a trick? Bill could easily have just told me this as Dipper, but I think it really was Dipper. I hope it was. I run so fast down the stairs that I fall on the last step. I hear something, slightly. I push me ear to the floor.

"-please!" I hear Dipper plead faintly through the earth and cement. Then I hear something like electricity, and screaming. He's really down there.

I hurry and get Stan. We leave Mabel asleep. She needs the rest, and she's been messed up since she saw Dipper last time. I don't know how bad he'll be. Stan and are only going to scout it out first. We must save Dipper but it's even more important to not be caught.

If we're caught Bill could use us to hurt Dipper more and there would be no one to protect Mabel. I hate how logical I always am. It makes times like these much harder.

Stan and I dig all night. Mabel slept soundly and we checked on her oftin. We're not idiotic enough to leave her alone for long.

Around 4:00 am we hit a layer of black obsidion. I can see a distorted picture through the wall of black glass-like rock. Bill is floating over Dipper. His glowing triangle shape reflects off of all surfaces. Dipper is screaming. There are knifes and forks and needles sticking out of his skin. Bill is moving his hands over and around Dippers head. Dipper is clearly in pain and Bill even seems tense.

"Give me the equation, Pinetree!" He yells. Dipper screamed more. Bill disappears then is hurled backwards through the air.

"Bill! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Dipper cries. I cant stand to watch. I turn away from the screams. Stan doesn't. I recognize his face. Last time he was this angry he almost cost the universe its freedom. I don't envy Cipher right now.

"I wouldn't do that, Pinetree. Your stupid family is right above me. I could kill them on accident here and the deal would still stand. And you know as much as I do that Shooting Star is fair game." Bills manic voice echoes. Dipper goes quiet. Then his voice is heard barely over what sounds like a chainsaw. AXOLOTL, what is going on?

"They aren't stupid. They'll keep you out. If you get the equation they'll get hurt anyways." He says with a shaky voice. Bill's laugh echoes and Dipper starts screaming again. I turn away and try to pull Stan with me. He looks back, and whatever he sees makes him lunge. I barely stop him.

"Stan. We need to regroup. As much as it pains me, we will need Mabel and her grappling hook. Dipper visited me in the dreamscape. He, he's not himself. We can't do this alone. The longer we are here the more likely Cipher will see us. Please, for Dipper. We need to go." I place a hand on his shoulder. His face is one of pure hatred.

"Its my fault. I was so stupid, so selfish. I made a wish and it came true. Now the kids are paying for it. I'm going to kill him, Ford. I don't care what it takes. I'll follow him to the end of the galaxy. I. Will. Kill. Him." He snarls, clenching his fists.

Dipper screams again and we both force ourselves back out of the tunnel. I want him dead to. But Stan will let him suffer and I'd prefer that much more. He's going to regret laying his hands on the Pines family.


I gather the gang. Wendys family brings ropes and leather straps, and things I don't think we'll really need, but come on. Its Bill we're talking about. Soos brings, well himself. Nobody says it, but we all know he will be the diversion. Lil Gideon shows up, but realizes Mabel won't fall in love with him over this and leaves, the little coward. I've never even really met the brat. But I hate him. Stan gets his tricks and brass knuckles. I bring journals 1-4. I'd forgotten about the 4th one. I never completed it, but it still is useful and is almost entirely about Bill. I think it will come in handy. Good thing I got it back from that deranged gnome.

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