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*Mabels Point of View

I hug his hat close to me. Please don't let him die Grunkle Ford! I plead in my head, knowing it would only put more pressure on him if I say it outloud. 

I take the hat to the bathroom and start scrubbing. I don't think I can get it out, the holes will always be there, but its something to take my mind off of the fact that all those times I thought I heard his screams, he was really right there. Or that I turned around when Grunkle Ford freaked out and I saw Bill with Dipper. I always was boy crazy. Its part of my personality. But I was physically hurt to even see that. It still hurts. I turned away, but its there now.

 I scrub harder. I can't believe I was so naive. I thought we would come here, and just be happy. Sure, maybe a kidnapping or two, or a fight with the golf people, or at least a skirmish with the gnomes. But I thought he was gone. I though we wouldn't have to deal with him anymore.

 I scrub harder. I think of when Bill brought him home. How he whispered his evil lies in my head.

"Pinetree is having fun with me. I'm being merciful. It could be much worse." He had whispered, but even worse was when he told the truth, because I can't deny those.

"Pinetree used scream your name, but he gave up now. He lost all hope. He only did this to save you. THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" He had laughed into my mind. I hate him. More than I hate anything else. I would marry Gideon if that meant I'd never have to see Bill again.

I scrub harder. I look down and to my horror, I had made the holes fray more and rubbed the top of the pinetree off. I slump to the floor and wail in anguish. I can't do anything but get the people I love in trouble. I hear a knock on the door.

"Mabel, It me. Grunkle Stan. Hey, I'm scared to. I think Ford is almost Done. Will you come down and wait with me?" Stan asks. I wipe my face on my new sweater I made. It is cream with baby blue stripes and a dark blue Pinetree in the middle. In honor of Dipper. In fact, I have a closet full of them. 

I leave the bathroom. I know Grunkle Stan is lying. Its surgery. It will take more than 5 minuets, but I really need someone to hug right now. He sits on the couch in the living room/den and I sit next to him. I lean against him and cry. He strokes my hair until I'm almost asleep, but I still see the tear fall into the cautions before it all fades to black.

When I wake up, Grunkle Stan is still asleep. I go into the kitchen. I search the entire shack except the lab. Neither Dipper or Grunkle Ford are up here. They must still be down there working. I make a jug of Mabel juice. I add a few scoops of whole coffee beans to Grunkle Stans cup and take the two glasses out to the living room/den. I'm gonna go with den. I gently wake up Grunkle Stan and hand him the Mabel juice. He drinks it and only chokes once. Something is wrong.

"Grunkle Stan, whats wrong?" I ask. He just shakes his head.

"Is it Dipper?" I gasp. He shakes his head again, then stops. Then he nods. Tears well in my eyes.

"I'm sure he's fine pumpkin, but they should be out by now." Stan looks at the clock. I start to panic. What if Dippers dead?

"Relax Shooting Star. He's only riding passenger seat in his own body. Not to far off though." Came Dippers voice, but its not him. I turn to see him. He is in a surgical gown, with blood all over him. One eye glows yellow and is slit with a snake-like black pupil. He's covered in blood, but there are no cuts visible, who's blood is it? All I can think is that my brother might be dead.

"No, Shooting Star, Pinetree is alive. Sixer put that plate in and seemed to forget something. Now I'm trapped inside of this meat sack. Last mistake he'll ever make. Little messy down there. Might wanna leave that for Fez. You're already scarred, no need to make things worse, am I right?" He cackles. And just like Bill, just like Dipper, I'm trapped.

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