Surprise and Lies

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*Stans Point of View

What have I done? I was trying to find a way to save Dipper but now Mabels gone and we didn't get him back either! I collapse at the threshold. A few minuets later Bill is back, without either of them. Taunting me. I slam the door. Ford knows before I say anything.

"Don't worry. They're both clever. In fact, I'm surprised Dipper hasn't escaped by now, given their history. Now that they're together I'm sure they'll find a way out. In fact, Mabel took her grappling hook. They'll be back soon. I'm sure." He tries to comfort me.

"YOU COULDN'T EVEN ESCAPE BILL! THEY'RE JUST KIDS!" I yell. He doesn't even flinch. I want to throw something. I look around the room. I grab a bat I have hidden in the closet and open the window. I aim at the demon below me, always hovering outside, and throw as hard as I can. He claims to see everything but I got a direct hit.

"HEY! FEZ! CUT THAT OUT!" He hollers. I slam the window. That felt good. Now what?

"Stanley, er, Stan. If you get the leather bag in my study, I can completely heal myself. Then we can find a way to go outside and look for them." He says. I nod and stomp downstairs I get the satchel he was talking about. I carry it out of the lab and through the gift shop. Then the phone rings. I almost don't answer, but something tells me I should. I drop the leather bag roughly and rip the phone from the stand.

"Mystery Shack. I don't care who this is, but-" I start but a familiar voice cuts me off.

"GRUNKLE STAN! ITS ME! MABEL! I'M OUT! I ESCAPED BILL AND GOT OUT OF TOWN! I KNOW WHERE HE'S KEEPING DIPPER!" She screams in my ear. I drop the phone. It lands with a click. I hit the button to call the last person I was on the line with. It clicks.

"Pumpkin? Is that really you?" I ask. She squeals in a way only my little Mabel can. Wait, and the freaky Mab-3l place. That doesn't count though.

"Grunkle Stan! Oh it was horrible. Bill didn't hurt me really but he made a time loop I was gone for two days but Dipper thinks he was there for weeks! He's different to. Bill made him his slave and he wares a weird suit now and his hair is white, and he has TATTOOS! We need to save him. He's already, not, he's not Dipper anymore." She manages to say then sniffs.

"We will! Just stay were you are. I'll send Wendy to watch after you and keep you safe until we beet him again. Mabel, we can't save him right now. We can't leave the shack. Bill is always out there." I say with a hushed voice. I pick up the satchel and swing it over my shoulder. Then I hold the entire home phone and carry it with me. I'm glad Ford made it wireless. I just happen to like home-phones. I walk into the room still holding the phone.

"Mabel, Fords here. Tell him everything because as it has been pointed out multiple times, he's the smart twin." I say and and the phone to Ford. His surprised look says it all. Then he scribbles down frantically into a notebook he has on his bedside table. Because who doesn't? I prefer to sleep with bronze knuckles and/or a bat myself. Guns go off too easy but I do still like to keep them nearby.

"Ok. Thank you Mabel. Stay safe. We're going to try to save your brother." Ford says into the phone. He quickly mixes a few leaves and liquids in the bag into a jar. He quickly drinks it then starts choking. He takes another swig and drops the jar. Nothing happens.

"When will it start working?" I ask

"Even though its magic, it still takes 15 minuets to digest this stuff. It will start working then and will be done in about two days. I'll be up and moving though within the hour." He says.

"But an hour for us is 60 something for Dipper! We can't just leave him there. You saw what Bill did to him! The kid is just a kid! And he's not you. We can't just assume he's fine. We need to rescue him. NOW!" I yell. Ford just nods.

"I know you're upset. You blame yourself and I blame myself to. But we can take this time to plan. I know you hate that. But it must be done. We have a list. First we need to find a way to stop Bill from stopping us. That will prove rather difficult. Second, we need to make sure we can actually get Dipper out when we do find him. I'm talking wands, gnomes, fairy dust, and all 10 of your guns. We'll need to cash in some favors if we want any chance at all. We have to be careful, because this time, if we screw up, we're done for. Luckily, based of the fact that this as a Disney dimension, the odds are stacked against him, not us." Ford says. He starts drawing out a plan.

"Disney? Gnomes? Time? I don't know or even care what you're talking about but we will get Dipper back." I declare. He facepalms. What did I say?

"Lets just get started." He says, and gives me a list of things to get and he starts going through his notes. Its the final battle. We have to win.

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