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*Dippers Point Of View

I blink as I awake in a black and white world. The dreamscape. I look for color. Bill said we need to talk, but I can't find him anywhere.

"That's because you never look up, Pinetree." came his voice. Sure enough, I look up and he's right there.

"What do you want, Bill?" I spit his name out like it was poisonous. It might as well be.

"Well that's rude. I'm just saying its not working out to well trying to get out so I think I'm just gonna have some fun, then when Sixer finds out I'll just take you prisoner. It will be fun!" I stare at him. He sounds like a kid the night before Christmas.

"What is wrong with you? Also, wouldn't you, just, do that anyways?" I ask. He seems to smile with his eye.

"I'm giving you an out kid. Tell me the equation and I'll let you go." He shrugs.

"I don't know the equation, and even if I did, I'd never help you. The only reason this is working for you anyways is blackmail. " I yell at him. Anger surges through me and I feel my face grow warm. Bright blue chains wrap around me. I struggle against them to no prevail.

"Blackmail it is kid." He hisses into my ear. He snaps his fingers and Mabel appears. She seems confused, but happy. She must have been pulled away from a good dream. Then she sees Bill and I.

"Dipper, this isn't, real. Is it?" She barely whispers. A gag flies over my mouth. Again, from nowhere.

"Oh its real Shooting Star. Ya see, Pinetree here hasn't been very helpful, and I'm done holding you over his head without following through. So now I'm gonna follow through." He cracks his knuckles then looks at me.

"Last chance, Pinetree." I close my eyes and try to look away. He force them open. 

"Oh, you'll watch the entire thing Pinetree. Just you you wait and see." Then he waves his hand. Nothing happens, then Mabel is on the ground.

"GET OUT! DIPPER HELP! GET HIM OUT!" She cries over, and over. Soon we're both crying and Bill is laughing and I'm at fault. I manage to spit out the gag.

"Let her go Bill!" I plead. She stops suddenly. She looks up at me with her big, wet eyes.

"Only if you play along Pinetree. I don't do this because I enjoy it. Well actually I do, but that's besides the point. I'm tired of you complaining. Just to mess with ya I'll even have Shooting Star here keep tonight's memories. Remember, if Sixer finds out, its game over. Later suckers!" He gave us a salute and was gone. Along with my chains.

"Mabel! Are you alright?!" I exclaim running to her.

"Bro-bro, why didn't you tell me he was doing this?" She asked between tears. 

"You did know. He wiped your memory." I say. I cradle her close. We aren't little kids anymore but it still feels good. It feels right.

"Is this why you're acting so weird? And why you didn't come home last night?" I nod and try to change the subject.

"What did he show you? In your head. What was happening?" I ask. Another tear rolls down her face.

"I saw weirdmageddon. I saw what he did to everyone I care about and, and things that never happened. Dipper, I saw him kill you. Over and over again. In a hundred different ways. Dipper, I was so scared. I couldn't tell what was really real and what wasn't." She sobbed, her voice breaking.

"Oh, Mabel. It's gonna be OK." I pull her in for another hug.

"Wrong again, Pinetree. Wrong again." Bill cackles. Mabel starts to disappear. I grab for her hand but shes gone.

"Bill! What did you do to my sister?!?!" I demand.

"She just woke up pal. And you will too. I don't care anymore so its up to you to hide our secret from Sixer. Cya kid." He said as his stupid yellow eye faded away.

I jolt awake.  I'm outside the mystery shack. I run inside. To my horror, Grunkle Ford is right there.

"Are you ok Dipper? You look like you were attacked! Hey, where did your notebook go?" Ford asks. Of course he needs to know about my 'research' now even though I'm clearly in pain. I make up a somewhat plausible story about a Griffin at the edge of the town. And then an elf that healed all major injuries. He bought it and promised to help me find my stuff tomorrow. I stumble up to the attic.

"Hey Dipper, I had a weird dream... Do you think you might know anything? About it, that is." She asks me. She is hugging her knees to her chest while rocking back and forth. Maybe I can pass it off as just a dream.

"Er, We'll see. Tell me what happened." I ask her feigning innocence. She tells me she was trapped in a room with me, and that we were in danger.

"Don't worry. Bill is gone he can't hurt us anymore. Just go back to sleep." I replied and snuggled under the covers of my nice warm bed, hoping the plan worked.

"That's what I was afraid of. I never mentioned Bill. I know what's going on Dipper, or is that even you right now?" She demands. I sigh.

"Its me. Just please go back to sleep. I cant handle anything else tonight. Please. Just sleep." I beg, and eventually she does. But no matter how much I try I can't. So I just lay there until morning.

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