Busting Out

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*Dippers Point of View

As soon as its dark I sneak upstairs. I had conveniently found a pair of scissors that can cut through anything, even a dimensional rift. I open Mabels door and sneak in. There is a pile of red sweaters. I don't even ask. I silently cut the ankle band off of her ankle. The I lead her downstairs. Gideon's begging and screaming travel through the open basement door. I wish I could hide Mabel from it. But I can't. I still lead her as far away as fast as possible. I don't stop listening. As long as B- Master is here time is still. As long as Gideon is screaming, Mabel won't be. I lead her out the front door and to the gate. I open it and look at her.

"This was too easy. I don't know whats going to happen, but don't turn back. Leave the town. Master won't get you if you leave. I love you Mabel." I say and hug her. We finish with the pats. She grabs my hand.

"You're coming with me!" She says and runs out of the gate.

"NO! WAIT-" I say then I am launched backwards. She looks on in confusion. I pull back the collar of my uniform to reveal the collar of gold. She looks at me, confused.

"I can't leave." I barely whisper. She seems to finally get it.

"Cut it with the scissors!" She begs.

"He can still posses me. Find me. Hurt you. Its better this way. I'm sorry Mabel." I sink to my knees.

"No, I'm sorry. He's going to-" She starts but I cut her off. I know. I know better then anyone.

"I know. I don't care. As long as you're safe he can't hurt me anymore then he has." I mumble. She is crying. Something is missing. Gideon's gone quiet.

"Hurry! He's going to be here any minuet!" I exclaim and run back to the house on wobbly feet. I reach the door and look back. I sigh in relief. Mabel has left. I sprint to the kitchen and grab a creepy jar with a  heart in it. I throw it over my shoulder and grab another, and another. None of them crash. Bill is behind me.

"Not a smart move Pinetree." He says. The jars are floating inches above the ground and he floats them back to their spot. He grabs me by the neck and drags me downstairs to the basement.

"I know you think you're so cleaver. Its funny how-"

"Its funny how dumb you are? Are you a broken record? You seem to repeat yourself a lot." I say, venom dripping from my voice. Just a few more minuets and Shooting, I mean Mabel will be fine.

"Oh I know all about Shooting Star. We made a deal. I wouldn't hurt her if she left but I would hurt you. She didn't even hesitate. After all. Who sacrifices everything for their dumb sibling? Oh right, that's you. You and Fez. You know Sixer already seems to have forgotten about you. Those two geezers are panicking over Shooting Star but haven't even mentioned you since she disappeared. Except once. They blame you! Ha! They say some real funny things! Wanna hear them?" Bill spit in my face. I try to wipe it away. Since he only has one eye and no mouth, I don't want to know how that happened.

Then Sixer- I mean Grunkle Fords voice echoes through the room 

Its his fault. Dipper must have made a deal. I hate him. Never should have offered him an apprenticeship. Dipper is a failure. Why hasn't he managed to escape by now? I thought he was supposed to be talented! His voice echoes through the room. Next is Grunkle Stan.

I don't know what he was thinking. Little idiotic ############################# Son of a #### I wish that Mabel was the only twin, less trouble that way. His voice booms. Tears roll down my cheeks. Next is a conversation between Mabel and Bill.

I know you want to escape. I'll let you go, but Pinetree will pay. I just love a little drama, and you two are full of it!

Fine. Its a deal. Its Dippers fault I'm here anyways. Besides, not like he'd stay for me.

Huh, didn't see that coming kid.

Oh I don't even care anymore. I just want to enjoy summer. Dipper is ruining that for me. Its the least he can do at this point. Its a deal Bill. Just don't tell Dipper. I'd feel kinda bad.

Then, finally the voices fade. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. I whisper to myself over and over.

"Looks like I can get to you after all kid." Bi-Master grins with his eye. I gasp in suprise and pain as I'm thrown into a cell. I recognize it. Gideon sits in the corner. He smells burnt.

"Finish him, Pinetree." Bill says looking at me with his unblinking eye.

"What? NO! I can't kill him! He's just a kid. I'm just a kid!" I exclaim. Bill stares me down. The room seems to shrink, along with Gideon and I. He grows large and red with a black pupil. His arms, legs and hat turn white.

"You might have saved Shooting Star, kid, but you damned Gideon and yourself. Age is just relative, like time and reality. Do it." He rages. Fire shoots from his hands and licks the ceiling.

Don't make this any harder then it needs to be. Remember, time moves slower outside. Shooting Star hasn't left yet. I can still go grab her. You said you'd keep me busy. Now kill him, and make it hurt. If you do, your precious Shooting Star can live. For now at least. His demonic voice echoes in my mind. I turn to Gideon.

"Just do it Dipper. For Mabel." He says weakly. On a table beside him lays a single glistering knife. I know what I have to do. I pick up the knife with shaky hands.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. Gideon braces for the blow that will end his life but it doesn't come. I swing around and aim for Bills eye. I'm frozen in midair. My entire body is glowing with blue light as I struggle again invisible bonds.

"Pinetree, Pinetree, Pinetree. How disappointing. Guess I'll just do it myself." Bill snaps his fingers and Gideon melts like a wax figure. His scream still hanging in the air. Bill grabs me by the golden collar and throws me into the melted mess.

"Clean yourself and this all up. I want it spotless. Then you are going to clear out Shooting Stars room. Then you will stand by the front door and wait for me to come back. I'll even use it like a human." He says as if this is all normal. He disappears and I'm left of what remains of Lil' Gideon. What have I done?

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