When Shooting Stars Fall

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*Stans Point of View, then Mabels. It moves around a bit. I'll tell you when though.

Mabel Pushes against me to try to get away. I don't blame her. The poor kid.

"Bill, leave my niece and nephew alone!" I demand. Dippers body floats off the ground and turns until he is upside-down. I stare in confusion.

"But Fez, that's just the thing. I was almost done with Pinetree. Then you folks showed up. I learned there is some valuable information I need, and I need Pinetree to get it. He still might have been fine, but Sixer trapped me in his body, so now I might have to make do with this body for a long, long, time." Bill shrugged as if he couldn't care less. The one eye that wasn't yellow was crying. Its trippy. Then his head shakes and they're both yellow.

"Bill, I don't care what it takes. You are going to get out of his body, and you will leave us alone. And if I ever see you again, I swear I'm gonna kill you!" I scream in rage. I hear a sound downstairs. I thought it was Ford, but then remember. He's dead.

"Oh Sixer, yeah. Interesting. I don't think he'll be waking up in a while. I might as well take my leave now. But then you went and threatened me. We all seem to have a good understanding that I can't hurt you, but I can do damage around you. So, Shooting Star, your coming with me." Bill snapped his fingers. No magic happened.

"Stupid meatsack! " Bill shrieked . He thrust his hand out and grabbed Mabels neck. Before I could stop him he was sprinting to the hall, then up the stairs, dragging Mabel behind him. She choked and gurgled but he still held her tightly.

"MABEL! I'M COMING!" I scream. No reply but Bills maniac laughter.

I sprint after them, but I've grown older and Dippers might not have been a bodybuilder but after last summer he's been beefing up a little bit. I reached the top of the stairs, already panting, and I burst into the twins room. Bill isn't here but the window is open and I can hear sounds above me on the roof. I climb out after him. He seems to be patiently waiting at the edge.

"You seem to have lost your edge, then again, you never really had one." Bill laughs. Mabel is right behind him, clawing at Dippers arm. Her eyes are red and her face is turning a bit purple. He relaxes his grip and she sucks in a deep breath of air.

"Let her go Bill. I'll let you leave, just let her go." I plead, slowly edging towards them. I pat the air in the 'slow down' motion that I do sometimes when I'm nervous. He surely already ruined the kids for life, I wont let him take their lives to.

"Let her go,huh? Interesting choice of words." Bill grabbed her again and swung, and in a blink of an eye, Mabel was hanging over the edge of the Mystery Shacks roof. She yelped and kicked, trying to get leverage. Bill held on to the giant sign on the side of the roof. Again, the 'S' fell off. I don't know why we keep putting it up there.

"You know, all beauty fades but nothing is more pretty I think, then when a Shooting Star falls." Bill laughs. I don't want her to fall but odds are she could survive the fall as long as he doesn't strangle her first. I've seen her fall from way higher in the fearamid. I take a step closer. Bill removes a finger. I don't need to have mind reading powers to hear the message loud and clear.

"Ooh, Magic is coming back" he smiles wickedly. All of a sudden, everything is stretched and the ground looks at least a mile away. If she falls, she will die. Mabel looks like she's in a lot of pain, but for some reason gives a smile. Wind comes from nowhere and whips around. Clouds roll in and thunder booms. Mabels air runs out and her eyes roll back in her head as her hair whips around. Something in Dipper/Bill snaps.

"AaAaAaHhHhHhHhHhHh! Pinetree! NOO" Bill screams. Suddenly he freezes. Then with shaking movements the hand holding Mabel throws her to me. I catch her. She's alive. I get a glimpse of his face. Both eyes are normal, but one is flickering yellow. Its Dipper.

"Grunkle, Stan. Tell Ma-Ma-Mabel, I-I-I-I-I love. Her" he manages to spit out as if he can't control his mouth right. The other eye starts to flicker, then one turns yellow. He hits his head with his palm and he is Dipper again. But I don't think he can for long. I don't know how to protect him or stop Bill. I'm not Ford. I can't save Dipper.

"I think Grunkle Fords Ok. Check on him. Don't l-let Mabel s-s-s-see though. I. I- l-l-l-love you guys, but I have to stop_st-op- h-hi-him," His voice shakes and jerks, like a bad TV signal. The yellow eye is back. Dipper hits his head again. The eye flickers. Without hesitation he leaps over the edge. I turn away so I don't have to see. I've seen some messed up things. I don't need to see this. Tears form as I hug Mabel.

"NOOOOOO!" Bill screams, and then all is silent. All is still. The storm is gone,

*Mabels Point of View

Bipper drags me onto the roof. I struggle to no prevail to escape. Grunkle Stan is right behind us. I can't hear over blood pumping though my ears but there is shouting. Then Bipper loosened his grip.

Mabel! Can you hear me? I hear my brother ask in my mind. 

Dipper? I ask. I hear his excited squeal that he makes whenever I agree to play DD&D. Its really him!

Ok. Listen. I know how to stop or at least slow down Bill. When I do, you get out. Grunkle Ford might still be alive. Bill hit him in the head with a knife and some syringes but he has that plate! I'm safe inside my own mind right now so don't worry about me. You might want to find a way to protect you mind though. If this works for me it would be a piece of cake for Bill. I'm going to take over and set you free now. Ok? Run in 3-2- suddenly Bipper swings me over the edge of the shack. I kick at air. Dipper is panicking in my mind and ironically telling me to stat calm. Classic Dipper. I smile. But everything is going dark now. So fuzzy..

Mabel! I almost got it! Hang on. I love you. Please don't forget that, ever.. Goodbye. I'm sorry. He sniveled in my mind. I try to ask what he means but then it all goes black.

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