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*Dippers Point of View

I wake up. My head hurts. I can see a bowl of slush in front of me. I'm not tied down, so I reach for it. There aren't any spoons, not that I'm particularly fond of silverware anyways. I scoop up the sludge with my filthy hands.

"Pinetree, where are your manners?" Bill asks. I whip around to see him, Pain shooting through my body. I'm shocked at what I see. Bill has a human form, and the room looks, well, more Billish. Its a triangular prisim and reminds me of the fearamid.

"Pinetree, this hasn't been much fun, so guess what? I looked into it, and the entire town has turned Gravity Falls upside down looking for you! Huh, that's a paradox. Why Gravity Falls? Why not, I din't know, Levity Floats? Hmm....

Anyhoo, We're going to pay you're family a visit today if you behave, alright? But if you try to escape, Shooting Star gets it. So lie down like a good Pinetree. This will be fun." He cackles. I don't want to let Mabel see me like this, but I know I have no choice. It would be nice to see that she is OK. I though she was dead, but Ford was able to visit me in one of my dreams. He was trying to find where I was, but I didn't know. He filled me in as best he could, but then Bill came and locked him out.

I climb onto the bloodstained table. Restraints snapped into place. Bill spins it in a circle until I'm sick. Then it stops.

"Oh yes, this will be fun." He whispers. He cuts symbols into my arms with a squiggly dagger. A gag in my mouth muffles my screams, but Bill still puts a 2D hand over my mouth. He checks a printer I've never seen.

"Our Portrait is done!" He exclaims happily. It grows huge and he hangs it on the wall. Its creepy how much like it really is.

"I think I'll show it to Shooting Star! She'd love this!" He snorts. In my  mind I beg him not to, but for the first time ever, he seems to not be able to read my thoughts. He instead cuts more symbols into my arms, back, legs, hands, everywhere. I look again at the portrait.

He doesn't stop, and soon I'm covered in cuts and gashes, each seeming deeper than the last

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He doesn't stop, and soon I'm covered in cuts and gashes, each seeming deeper than the last. Finally he says he's done. I let sleep take me, not really caring if I wake up or not.

When I eventually do, I'm chained up. My ankles are chained together and my wrists are tied in front of me as well. I'm floating behind Bill, who holds the end of the chain holding my hands. I can't even keep my eyes open, but I can see the familiar shape of the Mystery Shack far in the distance. I fall under again, and when I wake up, I'm right in front. Bill sees I'm awake. He looks at me, then hits me in the head with a glowing blue bat.

"Make Fez think twice!" He chuckled as I'm pulled under again. But I don't care. I'm safe. Bill is underestimating my family. I'm going to be alright, and I can still spend some of the summer with Mabel. I think. I don't even know how much time has passed. It feels like years. I hear the door be burst down, then everything is black.

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