The Pain

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*Dippers Point of View

"-you" I cry out, but we aren't at the Mystery Shack anymore. Bill throws me aside like I'm garbage.

"You are." He snaps, reading my mind. He transforms into human. He grabs me by the chains on my wrists and drags me to a hook on the wall. I know what's happening. He tosses me carelessly and my chains catch the hook. The hook then raises until I'm hanging with about a foot below my feet.

Bill grows a whip out of thin air. I wince, already knowing what is going to happen. Like too many things in this town, its magic. I feel it. I see it. It hurts me. But it leaves no mark. Bill explained it to me before. It marks your mind. I don't care, it still hurts.

"Don't care, huh kid?" Bill asks. That's when the realization hits me.

"No, Bill, I don't. You can't hurt my family and I'm here until I die. I've seen all your tricks. You ruined me. I'm not myself anymore. So no. I don't care. Torture me, kill me, burn me alive, I don't care. You hurt Mabel by even letting her see me. Its to late to save her, you can't hurt anyone else, so I don't care." I arrogantly brag. I'm right to, he can't do anything more. He floats over me, transforming into his terrifying human form, but I just don't care.

"Pinetree, there are types of torture you can't imagine." He snickers. He snaps his gloved fingers and I'm in a long gold dress. I look down. I have slight lumps on my chest, I'm a girl!

"AH! Put me back!" I scream. My voice, its so, Mabel-ish.

"You look like Shooting Star. Eh, we can play around." Bill says indifferently. I squirm as fire shoots through my blood. My hair grows long and yellow, like Pacifica's hair. Then my legs grow longer. Next my bruised and scarred skin is replaced by fair pale skin. When he's done, I look nothing like myself. Bill smiles.

"Its weird this way to." He declared. My face returns.

"Perfect!" He gushed. I groan. Whatever he wants to do, I already hate it. Why did he turn me into a girl though? I can already feel myself changing back a bit. He has nothing to gain from this,  does he? 

Suddenly he floats against my weird new body and presses his lips against mine. I scream and try to get away. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM??? He holds my head against his with his awkward arms. I thought it couldn't get worse but then his sandpaper tongue plunges into my mouth. I bite it so hard it starts bleeding but he doesn't stop. When he finally pulls away I spit and cough. Its so humiliating, and I'm glad Mabel never had to see that.  I spit as much as I can but I can't wipe it away because my hands are still chained up against the wall.

"Why would you, Uhhg. I hate you!" I scream. He smirks at me.

"You know, Pinetree. In many Parallel universes you and I are quite the item. Just had to find out. You know, Shooting Star and I are supposed to be a thing to, but she's not here and I'm bored." Bill laughs. 

"Touch her and I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you!" I scream in rage, struggling against the chains.

"Ah, there's the fire." Bill smirks. He changes me back, mumbling something about it being better this way. Then he looks at me. All my markings are gone.

"Clean slate!" He chuckles and carves symbols into my arms and legs and back again. He tipped the knife in some potion or something. It hurts more. I think it might be poison.

"Naw, just human hand sanitizer. I hear it adds a little sting. Tell me what you think." He chuckles. I fall into a world that's not sleep or reality. I can see and hear, but not think. That's why I don't hear him later. Well, I do, but he doesn't know.

"Poor Pinetree. He finally gave up on everything, and all this time he hasn't been even 4 yards under Sixers Lab! Ha! Hrmm, I wonder if I can get away with causing chaos in town again. Might as well try, not like he's getting up anytime soon!" and he pops out of the room. A few seconds later the pain is back and I fall asleep. I only know one thing. I have to tell Grunkle Ford.

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