Time Alive

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*Mabels Point of View

Dipper looked at me. Then he threw himself off of the chair. I scream and look over the edge. It has to be another of Bills tricks. Right before he hits the ground he'll stop. He'll be fine. He'll stop. But he doesn't.

I can't get what happened next out of my head. Dipper hit the ground. Even way up here I can see the blood. He hit the stupid parking lot by the tent of telepathy. He's gone. Dead.

I scream again and cry. No. This can't be happening. This isn't right. This has to be a trick! Also, we're stuck up here! I just want to jump myself. I just want Dipper. But not Dipper on the ground. Dipper last summer. Mabel last summer. I want this to have never happened! I repeat my thoughts to Wendy. I don't think she hears me.

"If he was a year older or I was a year younger I'd have dated him. The only real reason I didn't was because I was scared what my friends would think." She says. I go on to tell Grunkle Ford.

"This shouldn't have happened. Its the Disney universe. The odds of the bad guy winning, or the good guys dying. Its over 60000 to 1!" He manages to get out before turning away to find us all a way down.

I repeat myself to Grunkle Stan. He doesn't reply. He just stares down at the ground. I'm not Bill but I know what Grunkle Stan's thinking. I was his guardian. I should have done something!

I repeat myself to nobody this time. Nobody but air.

"I think I can help with that." Came a familiar voice. Blenden .

"What do you want?" I ask him.

"Dipper did me a favor. You were going to kill me in the arena. He saved me. I can bring him from the first day of summer to now. Being brought into the future he would have all his memories up until the moment he died. But he'd be alive. No Bill. No strings. And as a bonus, he'll look like a human again. Not like Bills slave or something. Stanford can probably help him fade or even erase his memories." He says as if it were childs play. Because anyone who's anyone know that. My question is why didn't he just do this earlier?

"What are you waiting for?" Grunkle Stan snaps and grabs Blenden and raises his fist. In a flash he's gone. Then he's back. Holding Dipper.


Its been 3 weeks since Dipper came back. At first he wouldn't wake up. When he finally did, he couldn't sleep. He had even more panic attacks. Just to make him feel better, Grunkle Ford put another plate in his head and preformed every ritual that even could help that we could. Thanks to Dipper, everything is back the way it was. Again, everything was covered up. The house Bill took over was burned to the ground. I might have had a lot to do with that...

Now, finally, Dipper is normal again. Sorta. He still freaks out around triangle anything and doesn't like me going outside. He wouldn't even let Grunkle Stan go to the bottomless pit alone to dump his parking tickets.

Today I'm going to fix him completely.

"Hey Dipping Dots. I never got to show you were I got the unicorn hair. Wanna go bro-bro?" I ask innocently. He saw right through me but after about 3 hours of pestering I convinced him to come as long as our Grunkle's came to. They saw what was happening and happily agreed. I took a butterfly net in case theres any black market trading we can do to help him.

As we leave the shack Dipper tenses. Then relaxed more than he has since the 1st day of summer. I was able to get a potion to increase recent happiness to cover old sadness and fear, from a gnome in exchange for my signature. Apparently I'm popular around here for beating the snot out of Celestabethabethabell and ending her influence around here. I snuck it into Dippers water flask. By the time we got back, he was Dipper again. More paranoid then before, but still my brother. Who is still a milometer shorter might I add.

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