Chapter 1: The Take Down - Joe

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Looking at these men, laying about on this cold hard cave floor, to be honest, I do not care about them and I'm glad they are no longer breathing. These people witnessed the torture of my daughter. They stood by and watched as men took the blood from her veins for Amanda. None of these human beings acted humanly towards my child, so why should I care that they've died?

I say to Dave, "Each one has been unmasked but is still wearing the cloaks they adorned as a member of their club. This may help in discovering who there are and what house they belong to. Red is Roth if memory serves. Then green is for house Goodwin. Black is for house Blake, and it looks like that house was not involved in this madness."

"Unless house Blake was the ones who murdered them all. Or, the other houses could have stolen cloaks, because it was easy enough for us." He replies.

Looking at him, I nod as they bag up these men.

These young men should never have been involved in their plan. God only knows what they were going to do to Amy, but luckily, they were murdered before carrying out their heinous act. So why do I feel so bad?

While discussing what we know about how this may have happened, a man runs into the cave. He is out of breath and we all look over at him.

The guy yells, "Dave, we need you upstairs. There's been an incident!"

Looking at this man, we turn and just start running.

"What happened, Kenny?" Dave asks as we get to the stairs.

"It's a bloodbath up there. All five of them are dead, you know the look-a-likes and that of Dan Masters. Calvin Roth shot them all to hell and then someone shot him in the neck. It's bad Dave." He exclaims as we pick up the pace.

I scream, "Is Amy alright? Was she hurt?"

"No, she's fine and trying to save Calvin Roth's life." He explains as we run down the tunnels.

Jesus Christ, this is madness, and now we may never know who those men were or if Mark was one of them or the one who killed them all. We have the book, but will that help us figure all this out? I can't think about all of this now, I just need to get back to Amy, and then she is never leaving my side until the end of this entire mess.

Reaching the driveway, it's total chaos. People are screaming, there is blood everywhere, and these poor agents are still trying to process the terrified members. Looking over at the ambulance, it pulls away just as we step out from under the porte-cochere.

Dave grabs his phone and calls Paul. He puts it on speaker as he dials.

When Paul answers, Dave yells, "What the hell happened? Where are you?"

"Dave, I'm with Amy and Calvin. We are in the ambulance together and heading to the emergency room. Calvin is not doing very well, but Amy is giving him a transfusion. I'll call you back when we get there. Right now, I have a gun pointed at the EMT so that he will do the transfusion. Needless to say, I'm a little busy." Paul explains as calmly as possible.

Dave replies, "I'm on my way. Keep your eye on him, Paul, no matter what."

George comes running up and looks at us. He tells us to just go and he will handle the situation here. Dee comes running over to me with tears in her eyes.

"I couldn't go with them, Joe. There wasn't enough room, so Paul went instead. It was so terrifying. Calvin must have been so angry with all of them, to shoot those men that many times," Dee states.

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