Chapter 13: The Search for the Truth - Amy

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There are three more chapters we need to get through, and we are almost at the house. Quickly, I went through them and explain to my family what I've read. As I start, it seems more twisted than I thought and we will need to discuss all of this madness. My God, who was this man, and how could he have done such terrible things? Reading how my blood, or the C20 serum, did this to Mark, is just astonishing.

This reads like a science fiction novel and it can't be factual, can it? Deep down, I know the truth. My blood created Kevin Ryan and I'm having a hard time with this knowledge. Knowing that Robert and Carlton aided him doesn't even surprise me at this point. Those men were rotten, even though Mark believed them to be family.

I'm speechless by the number of lies and secrets Mark could keep hidden. My stomach turns as Mark writes about the day of the murders at the estate. Finding out he believed Edward killed their clones, I was shocked and so was dad. Of course, Mark isn't entirely sure if it was Ed or his clone that had gone crazy. The madness never ends.

"That was me running down the hall, searching for an exit, but I'm blown away that Edward or his clone would have done this. Why would either of them want me dead? Maybe Mark told him that Eve and I had an affair. None of this makes sense. Why would Ed take you away from your mom? Why would he do that or even care?" Dad asks exasperatedly.

I can't blame him. All these years you believe something as truth, only to find out you were completely wrong.

Looking at dad I say, "Well, this clears your name dad and once we get a hold of the videotapes, we will have even more evidence that you didn't kill Mark and Evelyn Roth."

"Actually, I found the tapes, but I haven't had time to watch it all the way through yet. I found several, including the surveillance tapes from Donald Millhouse's murder." Dad states as I look at him in surprise.

Dave nods. So he knew too, and at some point, we need to watch these.

The next part I need to explain to my parents, so I say, "Part of my investigation into Donald's murder includes an area where detective Davis was shot. This happened near the rear entrance to Dominick's restaurant. Please let me finish before you get upset."

After saying this, I look at my father.

I continue, "In that alleyway is a 20-foot-tall mural. My department believed it was me in the painting, but it was not. I am so sorry, mom. Mark painted a picture of you as an angel, in that alley and she is even wearing this bracelet." Dad looks at it and then at my mother.

"Just when I thought I could not hate Mark anymore..." Dad says, and I grab his hand.

I say softly, "Dad, it's much worse... I dated him, as Kevin, for a while. And we were..."

"What! You... What?" Dad screams as I try to explain.

Dad yells, "Pull the fucking car over!"

We do, and he gets out to walk around for a while. Mom comes over and sits with me, she holds me in her arms as Sam and Jay get out of the car as well.

They will talk to my father and hopefully calm him down.

"Baby, I feel so bad. After I read this... Oh, sweetheart, my heart broke for you. All I wanted to do was hold you and make this all go away. Your father will calm down, he will regroup, but that man needs to die." Mom says and I just nod.

When dad, Jay, and Sam get back in the car, I quickly tell them the rest of the journal. About Harry and Wayne, how Mark admitted to killing the judge and bribing my boss. He used Harry to get to me, and it worked.

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