Chapter 3: The Gamut - Mark

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Mark Roth Journal

After watching the tape of the murders that happened in my home several times, I'm writing this all down to make sense of it all. My mind is spinning, and I need to get my bearings straight. This is completely bewildering and seeing this shook me to my core. I never thought he would do this to me or Evelyn.

I've been watching for hours, the different areas of my house, but there was no one around, not Evelyn or our maid, Hanna Kelly. Staring at the screen for a while longer, I fast forward the video until I glimpsed someone moving around. There was movement in the hallway.

Slowing the tape, I saw him go into my study and take a seat at the desk. He wrote something down, but it's so dark in there and I'm still unable to read what it says. This man then leaves the den and goes directly upstairs to Evelyn's room.

Switching the camera to the one in her room, I expect to see my wife. But there's a man lying face down, and I can't figure out who it could be. While trying to see who this person is, on the floor, I glimpsed my clone or Ed, standing there, watching him.

What the fuck is going on? I keep asking myself repeatedly while staring at this man on the screen. Then I see him drop a piece of paper onto the floor and he walks out. I've played it several times and I can't make out what it says. Has my clone gone nuts or is it, my crazy brother?

Following him as he walked through my house, the man hides in the shadows and seems to know where all of our cameras are located. Then, he returns to the den and just sits there waiting for something, while staring at the wall. This goes on for hours until I notice something move next to the desk.

Suddenly another copy of me shows up, carrying either my wife or her clone in his arms. She looks beat up and bloody from head to toe. Christ, what the hell did he do? Has my clone lost his fucking mind? I keep thinking to myself. There are two of them so maybe M2 is working for Ed?

It looks like they are talking, but the audio is not working.

Again, seeing something move alongside the desk, I realize it's a person with a black hood over their head, and kneeling on the floor. At this point, I'm still not sure who that is, but it must be one of them, either Evelyn or E2.

They continue to talk, but I do not know what is being said. Then, the man at the desk pulls out a gun. Watching this, I was shocked and completely stunned. He then stands and walks behind the other and now I can see Evelyn's lifeless body in his arms or is that her clone? I just can't tell.

As he circles the man holding her, he stops and fires the gun against his head.

Fuck, this is insane and I can't figure out who is who. What is going on in my home?

Each time I watch this, Evelyn's body hits the floor hard and his headless body slowly drops to the ground. I'm literally trembling at what I just witnessed.

Watching intently, I see that she's not moving. There is no way to tell if it's her or not. I've tried. Then, he drags her across the room and shakes her awake as the other woman, with a hood over her head, visibly quakes. Aiming her face at the corpse on the ground, I see her mouth open and she begins screaming. They both must be pleading for their lives and crying, while he stands there smiling at what he's done.

This has to be Ed, and he has tortured her. That son of a bitch! My brother will pay with his life for doing this to me.

He puts another black bag over the second Evelyn's head, and then pulls on it, making her sit up straighter. I wait in total revulsion for what he does next. I know what's coming, but I cannot look away. They both are kneeling on the ground and one of them is about to die. The anxiety I have while watching all of this is horrendous. One of them dies. I know this, and the news said it was Evelyn, but how do I know for sure?

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