Chapter 19: My Boys - Amy

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Sitting on the sand, watching Jay play with our boys, I feel calm and content, more so than I have over the past year. Our life is very quiet now. There are no worries about the world creeping in on us. Here we are completely alone and safe from watchful eyes. Moving to the island with my family was a wonderful idea, and having my parents here has been rewarding in so many ways. No longer are my mother and father worried about looking over their shoulders for someone who may be after us. No one wants to hurt me or take from me any longer, and the case my grandfather began, so long ago, has finally been closed. Now is our time to relax and enjoy our lives and my babies.

Jay says, "Sweetheart, are you seeing this? Walt is building his first sandcastle and Sammy is filling the moat with water. I think they might become architects!"

He laughs as my two little ones giggle with their daddy. My heart is filled with love, now that we have moved on past all of that ugliness and drama.

"Yes, it looks marvelous! Good job, boys!" I reply and they all smile at me.

God, how I love being a mother. Jay is so good with them and he's such an amazing husband. He works from home, and Jay only goes ashore when his firm needs help with a case or to make important decisions about our companies.

James has retired. He and Linda Goodwin were just married a few months ago. His cancer is completely gone and the two are living their lives in a new house they built together, in our small little town of Pinerest Lake. It is much quieter now that the club has been disbanded. I wanted it demolished, but they found several skeletons buried down below in the catacombs. For months they tried to decipher Donaldson's notes to determine who the dead actually were, but with the cloning process, it was almost impossible to determine their true identities, except for a few. We could, however, tell the relatives that a member of their family had died there, and we gave that person, whoever he or she may be, a decent burial.

After the expedition, they removed each of the remains, one by one, and then filled in the tunnels where they were found. The families of the ones who had perished were given a free plot to bury them if they wish to do so throughout the once beautifully manicured golf course. We felt that maybe, in time, their wounds would heal. Many of the dead were either mistakes in the cloning process or they were murdered. Either way, their families deserved some type of closure.

Dr. Evan Donaldson now resides in a mental institution with all of his evil clones who could not be reformed. We felt the Roth Estate would be a perfect setting and a reminder to all what happens when you try to play God. It is now known as the Pinerest Mental Institution. We made sure he got a wonderful room, no actual view, but he has a swing and a coffee can. After everything had blown up in his face, Donaldson pulled the crazy card. He is very well-medicated and sits on his swing, drooling and singing like a bird to anyone who will listen.

The able clones live on at the plantation house, and the clubhouse has been turned into a school. They have all chosen their own names and are learning to live a normal life, free from tyranny and filled with laughter. Many of the boys are simple but have learned to speak. They always had the power to do so, but we're just never taught.

We enjoy visiting the house occasionally, to see how far they have come. The boys are no longer referred to as drones; they are people like you and me. I'm very proud of how well they are progressing. The Calvin Roth Institute has changed their lives immensely and they've started referring to themselves as the Murray boys. In truth, most are a part of my family. They are my siblings and a part of me. Hearing this makes me smile, and I like that they have given themselves my maiden name.

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