Chapter 16: My Love - Amy

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My heart is up into my chest as I wait to hear if they have found Vin on this island. The gunfire within the mansion has slowed, but we still have not heard about the person in the upstairs bedroom. Two men have now entered the room, but we are not sure if it is our men, or theirs. Seconds feel like hours, sitting here surrounded by my friends and family, hoping for the best and fearing the worst.

"Sir, we have reached the upper bedroom area and I'm sorry to say, it is not Calvin Roth." One of Dave's men says.

No, oh God, he's not here.

"We have, however, found another man, but we'll need to identify him. Once our team has finished with their sweep. We will bring him downstairs for questioning." The agent says as tears run down my cheeks.

Vin is lost... He's not here, and I have no idea where to find him now.

Dave looks at me. Then they all do as I get up and walk to the other end of the plane. Jay follows me back, and part of me just wants to be left alone.

Jay says, "Sweetheart, we are not giving up on him. Please don't be upset because we will find Cal. I will never give up and neither will you. Look at all we have achieved so far and now you have all of this help. Dave and Paul are determined, and since Cal is the top priority, the FBI will not stop searching for him either."

He holds me tight and adds, "I'm upset, too. Cal is my best friend, and he's like a brother to me. Baby, I'll never give up searching for Vin. I love you, Amy, with all of my heart. These past few days have proven this to me, in so many ways. Seeing you like this physically hurts me and I will hunt down these bastards and make them pay for what they've done."

As he says these words, I feel such love for him. He will never give up and Jay's right, we will find him. Then I will destroy those who took Vin away from us. Whoever is in that house may know where he is, and I'll get it out of them, one way or another.

When the plane lands, all of us exit and I see what Dave's team has accomplished. There is a large Coast Guard boat that has docked, and our military is ushering all these guards or drones aboard. There are at least 30 men captured and several were wounded. Each man is bound, as they are walked up the gangplank.

Watching this take place, I feel enraged that they have made an army of clones. They are silently walking to their end, as these armed agents line the trail to the boat.

I grab one of these things by the shirt and shout, "Where do they keep their prisoners? Where did they take Calvin Roth?"

He looks at me in dismay, as dad comes up and pulls me off of him.

"Amy, don't do this. You need to calm down, sweetheart. We will find him, but these men know nothing, trust me. They can't even speak. They're mute and are treated poorly. Dave and I witnessed their treatment, first hand. These men are called drones because they can't think for themselves and have been used as military robots. The drones do as they are told, like a machine, but they bleed." Dad states as he holds me to his chest.

Looking at him I ask, "How do you know all about this, dad? How did you know about this island?"

Dave walks up and they tell me about their trip here, while I was in the hospital down in the tunnels. They spent two nights here amongst them and saw up close how these drones are treated. They are led by a handful of worker drones, who order them around and treat them like dogs. This is so sick. I'm disgusted that Donaldson would do this and create these semi-human beings. Then dad reminds me how most of them are my family and that hits me hard.

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