Chapter 6: The Relocation - Mark

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Mark Roth Journal

July 2, 2002

This weekend should be rather interesting. I'm going with my professor, Harry Leech, to meet with James Goodwin during his son's graduation. After this, I'll be returning home to the elders, who will decide on my role in our ongoing quest for Amelia. Little do they know, that if my plan works correctly, Amelia will be coming to us. It's a nightmare, having to redo one's life over again, but the knowledge that you gain is insurmountable.

Now that I'm in my third year of law school, it's amazing how much I've learned. My other professor, Michael Miller, has been retained by Diedre Murray, to reclaim custody of Amelia, and I was chosen as one of his law students that will assist in this matter.

Somehow, she figured out that Carlton was dragging his feet for me, and Deidre let him go. But all was not lost. We have been working on regaining her custody for several years now and she is about to get a big break, thanks to me.

Judge Harper is an angry old coot, and his time is at its end. Carlton tried to help our side, but the Godewyn group is controlled by the Society and of course Goodwin, himself. He was forced to abide by Judge Harper's decision, to keep Amelia in her current location. But that just will not work for our cause.

The Society wants to join the houses now and make Amelia their queen because she is a singularity, a phenomenon that they believe cannot be remade. They want to bleed her dry and take all they can get from her. I know my father is behind this course of action, all to save his dutiful wife, but why is grandfather going along with this madness? Last I knew, Dominus did not want a Goodwin running things, yet this is their plan?

Watching the last remaining video feed at Heath Grove, I overheard several members talking about Jacob Goodwin, my son Calvin, and Amelia joining to bring forth the prophecy. It was written hundreds of years ago by a crazy old man who they believed to be a prophet. He was eccentric and quite mad. We have been educated in his teachings over many generations by our elders. This was all just part of our creed, but no one thought much of it or believed this crap until now.

These crazy old bastards want to marry the three together, to bind their members into one eternal empire. Unfortunately, I do not know my son, but why would grandfather allow this to go on? Are they all buying into this bullshit? I have a feeling father has used his knowledge of the ancients, for a reason to bring his wife back to life. This is not possible. I've told him my mother will never wake and even took steps to ensure that it would not happen. Dad needs a certain key to access my mother's remains, but it was stolen many years ago.

My father was afraid someone would try to harm Amanda, so he put in place an intricate locking system, to keep her safely tucked away. Dominus agreed with me that stealing this key would be for everyone's benefit. It was an effort to stop my father from his insane, misguided delusions. Nothing good can come from waking the dead. My mother was a cold-hearted bitch before she was entombed, so God only knows what mommy dearest would be like now.

As for my son, I wonder what had gone on after I was murdered. Did no one take him under their wing? I think it's time to find out about Calvin Roth and the man he has become. Even though I was not there for him, I enacted a certain Rite of Passage in my will that should have ensured he would have a clue about women. I'll talk to Robert about having a team sent in undercover, to get more information on my son.

Alright, I just overheard a discussion about missing items that Calvin may have inadvertently received. The only objects that anyone would want from him or me would be that fucking key. Which, last I knew, was locked away in a safe deposit box in Evelyn's name. She did not even know the account existed. So how could Calvin get his hands on it?

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