Chapter 9: Reincarnated - Mark

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This day has been a long time coming. Carlton said that I had to be ready, and he wasn't kidding. I've read up on all that has been going on at the company recently, but this was not how I thought it would happen.

For so long, I've tried to maintain my true self. To save that part of me and keep to the person I am inside. Over the years, I've learned a lot about myself and the errors I've made in the past.

While fixing my tie, I look in the mirror.

I'm back! I'll have two offices this time, one for work and the other for play. Carlton was right, and that's where I went wrong, all those years ago. Today, I will restore our name and rain down justice on my enemies once more. God, it feels good to be the king!

Walking downstairs, no one is around, so I step outside and to the limo, waiting for me. The driver comes around and opens the car door, but I do not know this man.

Who the hell is this?

I ask, "Where is Burt today?"

The man looks at me in confusion.

Right, things are going to be different, and I have to play the part.

"Forget it, let's just head to the office," I say sternly, and he nods.

Climbing in through the back, I remind myself that everything is new now and things will have changed.

During the drive, I just pictured myself back in command of my ship.

I'm the master of my destiny, but I'll need to roll with the punches. Once I fit in and feel more comfortable with my role, then I'll start my plan in motion again.

Walking into the Roth building, I watch my employees all scurry around as my security team just nods and says good morning to me. I continue on past, into my elevator, and up to the world, I've longed to see.

This is the best day. I feel clean, refreshed, and ready to take on the world. How could he run from this life of prosperity? Oh right, a woman.

My grandfather told me long ago, "Never let a woman into your soul, they have so much power, yet they don't know how to wield it."

Amelia will live on throughout eternity, with me as her master. She'll be my queen but never have my heart, not again.

Stepping out of the elevator, it feels so good, and it's time to get back to work.

Glancing around, they have made several changes to my sanctuary. Some are bad, some good, then some things are very good.

Looking at my new secretary, she is quite beautiful. During this interim, I will take my time determining who shall be spared. There are a few skeletons in my closet that will need to disappear if they don't toe the line. I will give them one chance to redeem themselves.

The girl sitting at the reception desk looks very busy on the phone. She does not look up which is fine with me. Take it all in, Mark. Today is a brand-new day.

When she hangs up the phone and sees me standing here, I recognize her in that instant. I'm a bit surprised she's here.

"Welcome back sir, we are all very excited about your return," Kathy says, and I just look at her.

She adds, "Your assistant, Jennifer, will be in soon, but she left me a list for you to review. Let me know if you need anything."

What the hell is going on. Say nothing and just go with it.

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