Chapter 7: The Grandfather - Amy

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Taking the glasses from Dave, I put them on and look at my mother's tiny tattoo. Sam is correct, she has that symbol behind her left ear. This is wonderful news, and now we can hopefully sort this entire mess out. Maybe we can sort this out.

My father comes over and sits down in the chair so that I can see his tattoo as well. My grandfather is correct again, and the symbol matches his drawing exactly.

"Amy, I need to see the paper because I've found something to compare it with," Dad says.

Handing it to him, I see my father has something in his hand and when he walks back, dad passes them both to Dave. Watching these two, they seem to check the list grandfather wrote to another paper.

How astonishing is all of this? Now I cannot wait to go down to the morgue, but I still have more questions for Sam Blake.

I ask, "Looking at your description, I noticed that the name Dominus was not on your list."

As I say this, Sam looks at me with a surprised expression.

He replies, "I'm sorry, did you say Dominus? That's not possible..."

Sam thinks for a moment, then adds, "Matt's father's name was Dominus. I know he used that as an alias during those masked ceremonies, in his father's honor, so he said. Matt wanted the name carried on to show that he would never be forgotten. How can this be? He was dead, I checked him myself."

Did Sam just admit to killing Matt and Walt?

Sam continues by saying, "I went to Andrew's house after he got the call that Matt and Walter were murdered. Once they were brought to the morgue, I called in a favor and ask to see the bodies. My friend was the chief medical examiner and..."

Looking at Sam, I quickly say, "Harry Leech?"

"Yes, I know it looks like he was involved, but Harry always had my back and was trying to protect you, for me." Sam states.

I nod and reply, "He told me you were alive and that he'd try to contact you, but I didn't know you would join us here today. I saw how Harry was involved in all of this from the very beginning. You were all friends back in college like the report stated."

Sam answers, "Yes, we were, and I'm glad you read the report I sent. All of us were shocked that Matt had been killed... How stupid of me. The person who killed him shot Matt in the left side of his head and we assumed it was his son Mark."

Sam looks very upset, as we all think about what this means.

"It was Edward, wasn't it? Mark shot Edward and they made him look like his father. They looked so much alike. That's how they did it... They killed Eddy!" Eve exclaims as she sobs.

This poor woman has both her sons in intensive care right now, and if she is right, Mark may have killed her true love. We are reopening many old wounds and for that; I am truly sorry for Eve.

"That makes sense because Edward left right after and joined the service. Maybe he wasn't killed in Vietnam. It's possible, Mark could have killed him back then, instead of Matt." Sam says quietly to us, but Evelyn hears this and cries even harder.

This is too much for her, but she is putting all of this information into perspective. It seems cruel, but we need her. Looking over at dad, there is such sadness in his eyes. He now knows how much she loved Edward.

Eve stands up again and adds, "He was in the den that night, ranting and raving. Master didn't want me to see what was happening and put a black bag over my head. Then I heard voices, and they sounded the same. I thought for a moment Eddy had returned to save me, but it wasn't him. Master shot him and then her, and I heard them dying. I couldn't help them because I was so afraid that I'd be next."

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