Chapter 8: The Nephew - Nick

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Nick Anderson - Tape: Part 3

Picking up my mother for lunch, I found her still in bed. Mom looked like she was napping so peacefully, but when she didn't wake, I realized mom had passed away in her sleep. Diane Anderson was a good mother to me. She was tired of this life and had told me she was ready to go. It had been a long and traumatic life for this mother of four. To lose both of your actual children at such a young age was a nightmare for any woman. Then to lie about their deaths and the other two children's actual births had to be hard for a single mom.

Sandra was a test-tube baby, and she came from the lab. I was given to mom seconds after having to say goodbye to her actual son, who died at birth. Nothing in her life was conventional, every part was distorted, even the marriage she would have with her adulterous husband.

At the funeral I saw the way Mark was looking at my wife, speaking of adultery. I pretended not to care. Our relationship was a mess, and I had never told Joanie Lynn about seeing the video of them together. She enjoyed her time with Mark. Joan went willingly, and she was now tainted. Of all the men in the world to sleep around with, Mark was the absolute worst, and he would never let me forget what they had done together.

The sick little innuendos, like a private joke, but the entire office knew, and I was not laughing. Ron seemed disgusted with Mark. Each time he had a laugh at my expense, and I appreciated my friend's camaraderie. Then, finding out Joan was pregnant, not long after, completely shook me to my core. If it was Mark's, what would I do? Would I be like my father and destroy her? Or the child? No, I could never do that and become like him.

Instead, I waited to see who the father was, once the child was born. Hearing the baby cry, I was thrilled the baby had arrived but nervous about what Evan would tell me. Donaldson knew I was anxiously anticipating a visit from him while sitting in the designated father's waiting room. Was he going to tell me this was my son or my nephew? It pained me to wait, and I went back and forth about how to handle the outcome. This had been an ongoing question in my mind since she told me we were having a baby.

When Evan came out with a smile on his face, I knew the answer but needed to hear the actual words from the horse's mouth. Removing his surgical cap, he walked over to me like a proud grandfather.

Evan said, "Nick, my boy, you have a beautiful new son. He's a 9-pound 3-ounce, bouncing baby boy and he's perfect. Joanie is doing great, but I gave her a shot to help with the healing process. Plus, it will give her a boost and make Joanie feel great. You two made a very cute kid and you're going to be such a wonderful dad. Come on son, let's go see your wife and your baby boy."

At that moment, I felt amazing and all my worries fell away. My son and I would have a great relationship. He will know love and support, which is something I've never had in my life. Joan and I will have to work through our problems, though. I still can't seem to forgive her for cheating on me with Mark, but my son Paul will never know what could have been. He will not know about the 9 months of worry or the fact that he was almost the son of Mark Roth.

Day in and day out, Mark had me jumping through hoops when I would rather be home with my son. He is not an honorable man; Mark was never happy, and I just met his newest Vice President and second in command.

Again, I was passed over, but this time I knew why. Mark needed his DNA for the newest plan to rule his empire. He hired Joseph Whitney, whose father just happened to be Walter Whitney. Here is where it gets crazy. Matt believed Walter was the illegitimate son of Grace and Ben Whitney. The child that never existed. The one who Dominus believed he had murdered seconds after it was born... In other words, me. Walter was also named as the one who murdered Matt, even though he was not even killed that day. How fucked up can our family be?

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