Chapter 15: Confrontation - Mark

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When my team finally brings Beth into the backroom, she is still drugged and sleeping soundly. This is good because the last thing I want is to listen to her crying and carrying on. Soon Amelia will be here to save the day, and then we will be married.

Just before I step into the room, someone says, "What is this all about? Is that Elizabeth Goodwin? Guard, what the hell is going on and why are there troops outside? Are we at war?"

Backing away from the door, I realize the man sounds like my grandfather. Son of a bitch! Why is he down here?

At first, no one speaks. Then I hear a voice and I'm shocked.

"Sir, I'm sorry about the confusion." He says calmly.

Where has he been? I assumed Dan was captured when he never called me back. Also, how the hell did Dan get inside?

"We brought Elizabeth in because she was with Amelia last night. It turns out Miss Murray is in charge of Donald Millhouse's case and he was in possession of the stolen items from the puzzle box, that we've been searching for all this time. Amelia now has possession of these things you requested me to find. She also has the combination you wanted. Somehow Don found the hidden items sir, so we brought them all in and I was just about to notify you that our mission will be completed soon." He explains.

What the hell is going on? No, this is not good. Why did he tell grandfather my plan?

"Splendid! Oh, this is perfect! Now we just need to join the houses legally and all will be done. Peace will reign throughout our empire. Good job, son!" He says happily.

No, wait... that is my father's voice.

"Sir, there is more. Calvin and Jacob were with Amelia, as well. The three have finally consummated their union and they are coming here soon with Amelia to free Beth. We achieved our goal, sir." Dan says.

In that split second, I realize that Dan and Jeff have been working me over. When did he turn? Was the asshole ever my partner in this? Those two were in it for themselves and any moment now he will tell father what I've done.

Dad answers excitedly, "Good job, son, you did the impossible. Daniel, you will be rewarded heavily for all you've achieved. Let me know when they arrive and I will go make the preparations for their ceremony. Guards come with me. We have much to do."

As they all walk down the hall, I sit here thinking it was almost in the palm of my hands. I came so close to having everything, but why didn't Dan tell him about me?

The door opens, and the traitor comes walking into the room. He is smiling from ear to ear and I could kill him. First, I will allow him to say his piece and then he will die for stabbing me in the back. He has just handed him the fucking key!

Dan says, "Oh Kevin, thank God. The coast is clear and you are safe now. The team just broke me out of the FBI's custody. Jesus, that was a nightmare. But I'm back and ready to help you, buddy. Just so you know, I didn't tell them anything and they don't know shit, so we are good to go. Jessica updated me in the car and I think he believed me, mostly. The Superior seemed happy to hear that Amelia was on her way here and that my mission was at its end. So, we are back on track. Maybe you shouldn't hang out down here. The Superior will call everyone in when they arrive."

Looking at Dan, I try to understand what he is talking about.

He just gave my father the key to the crypt or Dominus. Wait, Dan does not know what those things are for, because he was never told. Dan didn't know that when you put the items together it opens my mother's sealed case and that it will give them access to the secret platform as well. My God, there is still a chance to pull this out of the fire.

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