Chapter 4: The Doctor - Amy

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When I wake up in a hospital bed, several people are surrounding me. Mom is holding my hand and dad is holding the other. Jay, Dave, and Paul are at the foot of the bed talking. Then I remember what had happened and I panic.

"Where is Vin? Did he survive? I want to see him!" I exclaim as all of them turn to look at me with shocked expressions.

Mom says, "Oh baby, it's okay. He is alive but in the recovery room. Steve is in surgery still, but is doing good and so is James Goodwin. I think they are all going to make it, sweetheart, so please calm down."

Hearing the good news, I lay back down and take a deep breath. She brushes the hair from my face and kisses my head. My mom then moves aside as Jay comes over and smiles down at me. I know that look; he is worried.

"Hey there, sunshine, everything is going to be fine. They are taking good care of Cal. I just checked on him and the surgery went well. The bullet passed right through, and they were able to reattach the severed artery. You saved him, baby." He whispers.

I look into his eyes and feel so much better as I drift out again.

Waking up, I see my best friend.

"Beth..." I say, and she comes right over to me.

She grabs my hand and looks so upset. "Yes Amy, I'm here sweetie. Just relax and take it easy. Vinny is going to be fine, he's with Dad and Steve in recovery. They are all doing good, so don't worry. You need to relax and conserve your energy. We've got this Amy, so just take it slow."

Just like mom, Beth brushes the hair away from my face and I smile at my best friend... My sister.

Looking around, mom and dad are holding each other. Jay has my hand in his, as Beth sits down on the bed.

Dave and Paul are gone now, but they have a lot of work ahead of them.

Before I say another word, there is a knock at the door and a man in a white coat enters. Everyone says hello to the doctor and Jay jumps up to shake his hand.

"Hello doc, she just woke up," Jay says jovially.

The man smiles and asks if he could speak to me alone because he has my results.

"No! They don't need to leave." I exclaim nervously.

Jay comes right back over and holds my hand, and Beth rubs my arm.

"Anything you need to say can be said in front of my family," I state with more decorum.

He looks around and nods. "Alright, hello Amy, I have been put in charge of your care. You have been asleep for 4 hours now and I've been talking to your family here, about what has gone on with you. You've been through a lot and I've tried to keep them updated on your friends as well."

"Yes, thank you, doctor. You have gone above and beyond for us and we appreciate your diligence." Mom says as he smiles at me.

Looking at this man, in his white coat and stethoscope, I immediately feel uncomfortable.

He is a tiny little, bald guy and looks creepy. He reminds me of someone, the voice, and his mannerisms. Normally I would disregard my feelings, but lately, I've had to rely on them completely.

Watching his mannerisms closely as he talks, it hits me like a brick wall.

Randy Davis, that's it... This doctor looks a lot like him, with his beady little brown eyes and his cocky attitude. Watching him intently, he steps towards me with a smirk. Something is not right, even though he has my family swooning, I know something is wrong.

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