Chapter 18: The End is Near - Mark

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Awakening to the sounds of voices, I hear her words, but can't make them out. What is Amy talking about?

Trying to get my mind straight, I now hear other people in the room. She saved me! Amy is such an amazing woman in so many ways. Actually, I should say my Amelia, she is a miracle, a phenomenon, and she's all mine now. Once I recover, we will be together for the rest of our lives. All this time, all these years, there is only one woman I have ever truly loved, my Amelia. She has stolen my heart. I tried to fight it for so long, but I've always known the truth. We have no more empire, no clan, no Roth's ruining our lives. Now I am free to adore her as I've always wanted to do, and I can finally let go of these inhibitions about love.

Hearing a man with a deep voice, he's saying something, but I don't understand the words. Amy is crying and I want to touch her, but my arms won't move. She sounds sad, as I try to understand the conversation, but they are all jumbled.

She shouts, "Use more of my blood to help him live... Please do something, we can't just sit here while Vin dies."

Oh my God, I'm dying?

Then I hear another man's voice. It's Jacob.

He says into my ear, "Hey buddy, it's okay. Amelia is pregnant. She is carrying your twins and I will love them both..."

What is he saying?

"They will be my children, and together those two will know the man you are today. It's so unfair, this is all so wrong. How can I say goodbye to my best friend?" He says with sadness in his voice.

Jesus Christ, it was too late. Amy couldn't save me.

Evelyn screams so loudly that she's screeching, "Please God, I need him! What more can I possibly give to you, why are you taking my child away from me again!"

Oh God, this is it, and they are all saying goodbye to Calvin.

Another says, "I will run the business like you would have, not like our fathers. Our name will mean something once more. I promise you this, Cal, on my honor. Rest easy, my brother."

Jesus, that was Steven.

No, this is all so wrong. Everything I did, all I worked for and I've lost it all, including my life.

Hearing a voice, I've known for so long, he says, "Missing out on Amy's youth was painful, more than you could know, and I promise to be there each day for those babies. Calvin, you are a good man, 100 times better than your father could have ever hoped to be in his lifetime."

My friend is saying goodbye, but not to me. It's over and no one knows who I am. Would they do this for me? Would they all have come for Mark Roth? No, they all would spit on my grave if they knew the truth.

Amy says, "Vin, I will love you forever and someday we will find one another again. My heart is yours and it always will be. Sleep well, my love, until we meet again, the fall moon will light my way."

This is it... This is my last moment on the earth and she's saying farewell to him. The end is near, I can feel it as the life leaves my body. My breathing is labored. I feel numb as their voices drift off into the distance. All I see is darkness. I feel cold and weightless. In my mind, I try to fight it, but there's nothing left in me to continue.

Suddenly the darkness turns to red, there is movement but everything is fuzzy, like shadows in the distance. There are faint sounds like someone is crying, but as hard as I try, it's so unclear. The sounds become louder like they are moving closer, but I can't make out the words. It's like a moan, becoming louder with each passing second.

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