Chapter 5: Secrets - Nick

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Nick Anderson - Tape: Part 2

After finishing college, I got a job, starting in the mailroom, which was a bit of a letdown, but it proved to be the best for my cause. I learned quite a lot down there in the basement, about the people who work at Roth Corp and what they were up to behind closed doors. My job was to open the mail and sort it for the upper floors. Many of our vice presidents got interesting mail and strange packages from places that are for adults only. Needless to say, I found some dirt on many of the bigwigs already.

One day while doing my rounds, I ran into an old friend who now works as an assistant to the CEO, Mathew Roth. Seeing her beautiful face, long red hair, and that body I had known so well, it took me a moment to catch my breath. She was thrilled when I walk in and saw a familiar face. We went to school together; I cared for her and we even went to prom. Joanie Lynn had quite a crush on me, back in the day, but my life was a mess.

When I came further into the room, she waved and then met me at my mail cart.

She said in total surprise, "Oh my God, Nick Anderson, you work here?"

"Hey Joanie, yes, for a few years now. Did you just start?" I asked as she stared at me.

Joan answered, "Yes... Well, no. I've been working at a different location, but I was transferred over here last week. What is Matt Roth like? Is he as rude as everyone says?"

I smirked and nodded, but then said, "No... He's the best."

She laughed and added, "Well, that helps, Nicky. Thank you for the inside scoop."

"So, working for the big man, that's great, just don't bend over in front of him. I'd also wear turtleneck tops even in the summer and make sure your skirts go to your ankles. He's a bit of a cad, so watch out." I explained as she laughed, but I didn't.

"Shit, that's not good. I was hoping to get through this with my virginity intact, but so be it." Joan replied, knowing full well I had taken that from her years ago.

"He can't take what's already mine, sweetheart. Hm... what a time we had back in the day." I replied, and she blushed.

"Seriously, Joan, he screws anything with a skirt, so keep your distance as best you can and if there is a problem, you let me know," I said sternly as she hugged me.

Breathing her in, she smelled like home, and the red tendrils of hair reminded me of the ribbons from her prom dress. That was an amazing night. Undoing those ties with my teeth, I made her giggle as we took our relationship to the next level. I played with these exact curls and thought of what our life might be like together.

With a kiss on the cheek, Joan whispered, "It's good to see you again, Nicky."

After she walked out of the room, I continued and saw Matt standing in the doorway, watching our little display. He had a smirk on his face, so I knew at that moment, she had already made his list of conquests for the week.

Walking past he asked, "Hey Nick, do you know that pretty little redhead? Is she good?"

Hearing this, I thought to myself, Fucking great, the first words he's said to me since I started here and it's about my ex-girlfriend. Think, Nick, say something clever.

"Well, we dated in high school and she gave me the clap. So good luck with that one, bud. Oh, keep it wrapped up if you know what I mean." I said and continued with my work.

Not long after that, I was moved up to accounting. Again, a shit job. But I found out just how much money Matt had all together. He owned 51% of the company's holdings, several houses were in his name, and 3 very interesting swiss bank accounts. The Roth estate was in his name, along with the Heath Grove club and Plantation House as well. Then there were a few others in Pennsylvania and another in Baltimore. Interesting, I thought to myself as I jotted this all down. The more information I had on them, the better.

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