Prologue - Mark

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Mark Roth Journal

I've started writing again because I'm at a loss. Everything is upside down and twisted. Let's just say, my life has taken one hell of a turn. 

Each day became brighter, as all of my plans were working out just like I'd thought, but this would not last. Joe was enjoying Evelyn's company, and I was having a ball with my freedom. Edward had accepted Evelyn's clone and stopped trying to escape. My brother seemed to be happy with her, as well as he should be. Life was good, but things change.

My father was not as pleased with my mother's outcome. She has made no progress since the initial injection, thanks to me. That woman has been locked in her glass sarcophagus, unable to be touched, but she can still receive her treatments intravenously. The key still has not turned up, and it never will. Now, he believes that several treatments from the child will correct her last few major health problems. This miracle would return her to the life they once had together, which, if memory serves, was a horrible relationship where she loved someone else. Not going to happen, dad.

To give Calvin a little push towards his future, I gave my sister a picture of Amelia, to add to the video she plays for my son nightly. Subliminal messages could work and he would come to believe that Amelia will be a comfort to him, just like his mother. We will update this picture, as she grows and he will knowingly cling to her like a life raft. This will work if my sister does as I have ordered her to do.

Last week, I got Evans to move more product over to the Baltimore office, thank god. He agreed it was time to move on and leave the eternal nest, but Donaldson continued to hold on to the reins rather tightly. We made a few more clones without his father's knowledge, to help with the workload at the new site. Everything seemed to be working fine, like a well-oiled machine, but this would not last.

On March 25, 1988, Evans finally agreed and accepted my terms. We have a large team here at the Community. Robert Ryan set him up with a nice house and Evans secretly moved his things over, without Donaldson's knowledge. We had several hard workers, and having Evan's clones running around would make the new lab that much more manageable.

I believed having a second research laboratory would make doing things the way I wished much easier. We have a few key people in place at the Community and this will be my legacy; I had hoped.

Having to break free from the Society was hard for me too, but the secret became my top priority. The Community will surpass the Society and we will move forward on our own. They refuse to advance and we cannot be held back any longer. This cure needs to be found for me, and I can't stress that enough.

April 1, 1988, was the first actual trial, with Amelia's serum. It took us three years to get the quantity right, but it was flawed. We had tried the serum out on several lab animals, and it did stupendously each time. Donaldson wanted to give himself the injection, but I stupidly wanted to be the first. It was my project, my money, and this is how my nightmare began.

Evans called and said that Donaldson was about to leave to deliver another baby. There were complications, and he would be out of our way for most of the day. Lately, he had been dealing with several mistakes and some believed these were Donaldson's errors, but he blamed the product. The good doctor has had quite a few problems growing perfect clones, probably because I brought many of the older, higher quality ovum here to Baltimore and left him several that are more recent. Thank god I did that because now I need to look out for number one.

Several of those were harvested not long after Amelia was born. The members have not realized the flaws because he's doubling down and making two babies for each order. This way they will have twice the chance at a normal healthy child, and the extra clones would just become slaves to fill their cells. Not that any of that matters now, because everything is falling apart. This is the reason I am writing again because it's imperative that I find a solution. This is also the day I received the first injection of the new serum, C20, and it went horribly wrong.

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