Chapter 2: Reborn - Nick

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Nick Anderson–Tape: Part 1

From my first breath, I was swaddled in death, lies, jealousy, and rage. I know this sounds dramatic, but it's all too true. At the beginning of my life, I had 2 fathers. Each was despicable in their own way, and I barely knew them. Then there were my 2 different mothers, who supposedly wanted and loved me, who acted as though I was the major cause of their life's agony. I had a brother who denied me and was more narcissistic than both fathers combine. Then there was Tess. The only one who showed me, love. My sweet older sister was everything to me. She was so full of life. Tess was beautiful inside and out, and she was always there for me. Whenever I felt lost or alone in this world, Tess would be there to talk to or for a shoulder to cry on. My sister was very maternal, she was my best friend, but one person ended all of that, which is where my story begins.

It took quite some time to figure all of this out, but with help from a family friend, everything became much clearer to me. Time heals all wounds, they say, but not in my case. As I grew older, the things that had occurred in our past came to light, piece by piece. Our family's secrets and deceptions were horrendous, and I grew more volatile after getting to know certain members.

When I was born into this cruel world, my birth father loathed me because he thought I was the product of an affair between his wife and another man. This was not true. Science proved that he was wrong, but by that time he had already sent down a ruling that I should perish. My father, Dominus Roth, killed my mother, Grace, the day I was born, by strangulation. He then ordered the doctor to end my life as well, but this was not something most men could do. He was a medical professional. It went against his oath, and this man adored my birth mother.

The nurse removed me from the birthing room. She took me into the nursery, away from the woman who had just birthed me. Dr. Donaldson had another child to deliver across the hall, but that outcome would be much worse than my beginning. Mrs. Diane Anderson was in labor for hours, but she was about to deliver a still-born baby. Evan knew this and so did she, but they held out hope the child would miraculously live.

The Anderson baby died, but I had lived. Instead of ending my life, Evan took me to meet my new parents, who actually wanted a child of their own. Evan swore this woman to secrecy. She could not even tell her husband, and I became their godsend.

Dominic Roth died that day instead of me, and I was reborn as Nicholas Anderson. My mother and I would go to visit my grave because no one else would. Grass and weeds would always cover the small headstone, so mom would tidy it up while I played around the cemetery. We had this secret outing for many years, that only my mother and I knew about. Mom would leave flowers for this innocent child that laid in that grave, and later I would understand why she did this so often.

This lie drove a wedge between the Anderson's as a couple. Diane was in mourning for a child that lived, and her husband Nicholas never understood why she was so depressed. He believed that there was something mentally wrong with her, but she was just a woman who was in a depression at the loss of her son.

My sister Tess, who was much older, would treat me like her favorite toy. We did everything together. She cared for me so much that it was almost like a mother's love. Not that I would know how that feels.

Mom deteriorated in front of our eyes. She no longer took care of herself or us and barely got out of bed. Needless to say, my dad had moved on and found a woman who was full of life. He would never understand why his wife was so destroyed and did not feel it was his duty to seek help from her.

A few years after my father's elicited affair had begun, the woman's husband found out. Fill with jealousy, he ended their relationship, after calling in a favor to his friend. Not long after, my dad was killed in a head-on car accident, where the woman, Ann Allen, was the driver of the other car. Killing two birds with one stone, you might say. They made this look like a horrible accident and both families grieved.

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