Chapter 17: The Shell Game - Nick

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Nick Anderson - Tape Part 6

When did I become the bad guy? I started as a victim, then thought I was the hero. Yet here I am, at this moment.

Trying to piece this all together, I had this feeling of dread, while taking the elevator down, in the middle of the night, to see him. This man, who I've loathed for so long. Knowing that he will not look the same, I honestly don't know why I did this, but I had to see him once more before we set him free. He was a menace before, so God only knows what type of havoc he will create this time, I told myself.

Stepping into his room, I notice it's been cleaned. The bed is empty and this worries me. Before I call the guards, I checked in the physical therapy area. I thought Evan might do a last-minute run-through before we wake him up fully. Then, I asked myself, Evan would not release him before I had my final say, would he? Reaching the door, the lights were out, but I check the P.T. room anyway.

Again, there was no sign of him. So I continue down the back hall, making a loop. Each room was dark, and I got a very uncomfortable feeling about what might have gone on under my nose. At that moment, I heard a noise in the next room, and it sounded like someone moaning.

Quickly opening the door, I searched for the light switch. Finding it, I saw he had another large laboratory, but this one seemed more antiquated. It was a mess, very disorganized, it smelled like chlorine. That's when I saw the pool, right off to the side, built into the floor.

"My God, what has he done?" I shouted out loud while walking closer.

Inside were three women floating, wearing plastic harnesses to keep their heads above water. They were hooked up to several wires and tubes, which were almost completely covering their naked bodies. At first, I thought these women who look like Deidre were dead until one of them opened her eyes. She moaned loudly, so eerily, that it scared me half to death.

"Jesus Christ! Holy crap, what the hell!" I hollered while backing up to the door.

"So, you met my girls," Evan says, and I shout out again.

Looking up, I saw Evan coming in through the other set of doors.

"Shit! My God, Evan, what are they? What is happening here? Who are those women?" I exclaimed in total shock.

Evan replies, "Well, where do you think the drones come from? These are our hens or birthing mothers, but I call them by their names. This is Daphne, Diedre, and Amelia. They are my girls."

He explained this as though this is all totally normal.

Trying to catch my breath I said, "So these are the clones you made from the originals and this is where you get the ovum from?"

He just stared at me. Sizing me up.

Taking a deep breath, I added, "Okay, I have to tell you, this is not how I thought you did this, man. They are alive! These are people Evan and this is not right."

"They have one purpose, to make eggs for insemination and donation, nothing more. This is my life's work, so please stop looking at me like I'm insane. You know everyone wants the science, but no one wants to know where it comes from." He stated in an annoyed tone, and I was dumbfounded.

Then it hits me.

I shouted, "Where is Mark?"

He just nods and walks back out of the room.

"Jesus, Evan, where is he? What's going on?" I asked again.

He turned around and says, "You know Nick, this is where your sister came from. These women do a great service for the world, yet you see them as being mistreated. I know to an outsider this might be shocking, but not you. Don't look at me like I'm some crazed, eccentric, mad scientist."

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