Chapter 11: Five Years - Nick

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Nick Anderson - Tape: Part 4

For several years we have tried to find Mark with no success. He has vanished, which we thought was an impossibility, but it's true. There is no sign of him anywhere, and this worries me. Kevin Ryan is gone as well, and I think they might be one and the same. Someone must be helping him because there is nowhere he could have gone without help. Dom has questioned the Ryan's and the other members of the clan. Either everyone there is covering for Mark or Kevin Ryan is really Robert's son. They had his birth certificate, family pictures of him growing up, which could all be fake, but it seemed to sway some of us.

When Edward saw the photo, he believed, without a doubt, that this man was Mark's clone. A much younger version, which is very possible, but who would have made it for him? We let Edward believe that for now, but I know it's Mark. We know what that injection can do, so it must be him. Don Evans has moved to Pennsylvania to be near Deidre, and soon Amelia will join her. They have hired a team of lawyers and it's only a matter of time before she joins her mother. We need someone on staff there, to keep tabs on both of them and to get samples from Amelia for our serum, once she arrives.

We finally talked the judge into letting Amelia go, but he is still trying to hold out until she turns 18 years old. Then she will probably refuse to go because the girl does not want to leave Calvin. These two have become an item these past few years and when Amelia leaves, Calvin will be crushed.

The way I see it, all's fair in love and war, as they say. Now we just have to force Harper to do as he has agreed. We've paid out more money to the old judge, so he had better follow suit. All of us believe that once Amelia leaves Pinerest, Calvin would forget about her. Sara will try to keep him on track, but she is best friends with my wife, and Joanie may need to intercede. I have asked little from Joan, and she knows about the plan to join the houses. She also loves Jacob very much, and if he's anything like the Roth men, Amelia will be a distant memory soon after she leaves town.

Getting the news that Judge Harper dies in a car accident seemed like a bit of luck. I happen to be at Jacob's graduation party when we got the news. Sandra looked at me, but I shook my head no. That is not something I would do, especially after paying the old queen. The scene looked normal, but we are waiting for the autopsy, to know for sure if this was an accident. Lord knows the Judge can drink, but to lose control there, on a road he knew so well, it reminded me of my father's "accident" way too much.

During the party, Sandra overheard Elizabeth talking to Amelia, and she was heading down to the pond to meet Calvin. It looked like they were meeting to saying goodbye, so we agreed to send Jacob fishing. He has never met Amelia, but it's time to plant the seed.

A week later, we sent Dom to the Community in Baltimore to check on things. Our team has been watching the place for Mark or Kevin to show up, and now we have our own small army to boot. Evan and I agreed that there was a need to keep close tabs on Dom, just in case they fight over the takeover. The Community has several drones that were created as well and we have to keep up with demand or be surpassed by their army.

Now that Amelia is there, we had to set up a headquarters close by. She moved in with her mother and would go to college after that at Penn State. Amelia would live there for at least 5 years, if not more. During this time, she needed to be watched over in case Mark made an appearance. This all seemed a bit coincidental, so I believe Mark must be nearby.

Soon after Amelia moved in with her parents, there was an awful event that had occurred on her street. Something went horribly wrong; it was shocking, and we were shaken by the death of Donny Evans and Robert Ryan. At this point, I believed Mark was pulling the strings, and he had our man killed. Getting the news that his son had died, Evan was destroyed. We sent our people in and found out that the two men had a disagreement. Don shot Robert then went outside and in front of Amelia, he shot himself in the head.

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