Arc 2 Chapter 10: The Stranger

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I'm going to be releasing chapters for both this story and my MHA story on a "when I feel like it" schedule. This means that sometimes my MHA story will receive many chapter updates in a short time span or this story will receive the updates. Think of it as an experiment for me


The next two days were the slowest forty-eight hours of your life. You had to visit every single club at Honnouji, all one-hundred of them, to acquire financial reports for the administration. Satsuki focused on writing the multi-page document while you were busy meeting with the club presidents. Her assistance was greatly appreciated.

Meanwhile, the Sewing Club was performing all sorts of tests on Goshujin and were sending you hourly reports. So far they haven't found anything malicious.

You had one club left to visit during school hours, one last report to acquire. The Gardening Club.

They were a relatively inexpensive club that required little funding to function. They had maybe ten members at most and never drew attention to themselves. They had a small sectioned off area atop the Western wall to use as a plot of land for their plants. Sometimes the club members would send you and Satsuki their best and most vibrant flowers when they bloomed. Nonon Jakuzure, one of the Elite Four, loved to hang around the garden on her time off. She could be commonly seen wearing a pink flower on her ear when other students weren't around.

You walked along the empty Western wall under the blazing sun. The Gardening Club met at noon when the sun was at its peak so you were sweating bullets in your long-sleeved uniform. Even the hilt of your sword was scorching hot.

A sudden loud bang catches your attention when you approach the garden. You see all the members of the Gardening Club laying down on the concrete floor either passed out or too hurt to move. You spot the club president stripped bare next to a pile of decaying plant matter, his Goku uniform had been destroyed. Standing in front of him was a tall muscular man wearing a sleeveless all black vest with ammo pouches and a cigarette in his mouth. His most defining feature was a spiked crimson red Mohawk atop is head. He was defiantly not a student .

The man turns his head to you when he notices your presence.

You: Great, just what I need, another rebel sticking their nose in Honnouji's business. You! What's the meaning of this?!

The man huffs at you and slides something in his pocket.

Stranger: Another one of you Honnouji brats... I'll take you out just like the others-

You interrupted the man.

You: -I hate to say it pal but I'm not a pushover like these guys. They don't specialize in combat, I do. Oh and another thing, this is a no smoking zone. Dispose of that cigarette now or I'll rip it from your lips.

You point the end of your Odachi at the man.

The sun's heat was shortening your temper.

You were hot, angry, and ready to end this meeting.

The man takes a long drag from the cigarette and blows the smoke in your direction.

Stranger: There are two things you need to know about me. One, I smoke where I want. Two, NEVER interrupt me-

You: -and you should know something about me. I. Don't. Care.

He reaches for a weapon on his hip but you swiftly burst from your position and swing at the man.

He bend backwards to avoid your torso slicing swing but wasn't fast enough to save his cigarette. The blade of your sword chopped clean through it. The white section fell to the ground, still burning and emitting smoke.

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