Arc 2 Chapter 13: The Fight Club Part 1

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Due to the nature of the episode this chapter covers, I am going to split this chapter into two parts. Part one will be a sort of "Set up" chapter and part two will cover the rest of the episode. Why not release it all in one chapter? Well to be honest, I don't have the mental fortitude to finish the latter half all in one day in order to release the chapter, but this does mean that part two shouldn't take too long to finish/release. There are going to be a lot of scene changes because the episode jumps around a LOT.

I hope you enjoy!


Deep down inside the concrete mountain Honnouji Academy resides atop is the heavily guarded sewing club labs. Bunker like concrete walls encapsulate a chasm that is manned by a strictly regulated number of two-hundred club members. No more, no less.

The vast majority of club members are instructed with producing synthetic Life Fibers using the latest technology and techniques developed by Shiro Iori, the club's president. Shiro refers to these members as "Level One Grunts". A crack team of thirty students have the job performing experiments on Life Fibers in small groups at various different testing sites all across the sewing facility. Their nicknames are "Level Two Craftsmen".

The deepest portion of the facility, located about half a mile below Honnouji, is where Shiro Iori and his five trusted lab partners perform the most dangerous tests on Life Fibers. This is where the designs of all Three-Star Goku uniforms are drafted and where they're built. The identities of the five members that work with Shiro are withheld from all students at Honnouji Academy. They are instructed to always cover their entire bodies with identical suits and to wear face masks that cover up all identifiable facial features when in the lab. Only you, Shiro, and Satsuki Kiryuin know who they are. And it's at this level where the analysis of Goshujin is being carried about by these six very people.

Shiro Iori and his team work night and day to get a full reading on the origins of the uniform. Recently they had made a breakthrough in their analysis and called you down to the lab.

You walk through the blast doors separating Shiro's lab from the rest of the facility, its heavy metal hinges squeaking as they open into the dimly lit room.

You're greeted with a disastrous workspace of empty mugs and scattered papers. Shiro stands at a computer with bags under his eyes. His white lab coat was dirty and had scratches cut into the sides. He looked like a mess.

You: Shiro, you call for me?

He turns to you.

Shiro: Yes, I did. We've discovered something you might want to take a look at.

You walk up next to him. The stench of old coffee and artificial chemicals resonated from his lab coat and into your nostrils. Infront of you was his computer and a wall with a window made of bulletproof glass peering into a testing room. Goshujin was hanging in the room from the ceiling by various electrodes and wires.

Shiro: For the last week and a half we've scanned Goshujin at a near microscopic level. It's Life Fibers are indeed entirely natural. The LF's are weaved together with such pin point accuracy that not even our best sewing machines could replicate the technique used to assemble it. Even stranger is that there are no stitches, no mechanical compressions... and no purifying chemicals present anywhere on Goshujin. Junketsu has it's imperfections but this... its almost like it was weaved by a hand that doesn't exist. It's almost perfect... almost.

He turns back to his computer and opens a photo on screen.

The photo was an infrared scan of a grouping of Life Fibers. The image showed long strands of Life Fibers in perfectly straight lines bundled together, but something was off near the center of the image.

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