Arc 2 Chapter 12: Sake Kiru; The Informant

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From this chapter on I will be underlining the name of whomever is delivering a line of dialogue to draw attention to the character speaking. This will hopefully help avoid confusion on who is speaking at any one time.

Also, sorry for this chapter being a little short. The next chapter is going to be a hefty one so expect that soon.

Hope you enjoy!


Ryuko Matoi walks down a crowed hallway while looking at a note in her hand given to her by a random classmate in the middle of class.

Note: "Meet me in room 71-F if you want to know more about the Vice-President. Come alone."

The note wasn't signed by anyone but Ryuko had an idea of who sent it to her.

Ryuko: I bet it's that weird Sake girl from the other day. I wonder if I can trust her... she did tell me how to beat that Sanageyama guy...

She looks at the numbers on each classroom door when passing by. The hallway was filled with exited students ready to go home for the weekend so getting a good look at the numbers was difficult in the sea of kids.

Ryuko: 73-F... 72... ah, 71-F!

Ryuko stops in front of a metal door with a huge dent in it along with a few broken hinges. It looked like someone had previously knocked it down. The students in the hallway payed her no mind when she pushed open the door.

Peering inside, Ryuko sees row after row of dimly lit vacant seats being watched over by a single person standing at the teacher's podium. It was Sake Kiru.

Ryuko's hunch was correct.

Sake's head turns in surprise when the door opens, her eyes filled with fear.

Sake: Oh! Ryuko... I see you actually got the note this time.

Ryuko: "This time"?

Ryuko closes the door behind her and Sake calms down.

Sake: Yeah, I sent one yesterday but the guy I gave it to was late for his club meeting and was tracked down before he could make the delivery. I'm glad you're here, I thought someone busted me for a moment.

Ryuko: I figured I'd give you a chance. You helped me with Sanageyama... even though he came back and kicked my ass afterwards...

Sake: I heard about that. I didn't think Satsuki would give him a second chance after the beat down you dished out.

Ryuko: It took me by surprise- anyways- I want to know more about this (R/N) guy. Who is he really? Why does Satsuki trust him so much and- why the hell did he stop her from choppin' my head off?

Sake: You sure do ask a lot of questions-

Sake grabs a bundle of papers of all different sizes and lays them out in six ordered groups

Sake: -I've taken a bunch of notes over the Vice-President and the other Elite Four. Satsuki too. This big pile is over (R/N), the other big one is about Satsuki. The four smaller ones are Nonon Jakuzure, Uzu Sanageyama, Ira Gamagori, and Houka Inumuta respectively.

Ryuko: Wow! How long did it take you to-

Sake: Don't ask- that includes how I got all this information too. It's a waste of time.

Ryuko: Okay...

Ryuko walks to the podium and flips through the largest pile of papers labeled "(R/N); The Vice-President".

Sake: To answer some of your questions- (R/N) is an enigma... a puzzle piece that doesn't fit here at Honnouji- I've only been here a year and I already know that- The Elite four are brutal wardens who don't hesitate when it comes to following one of Lady Satsuki's commands. They're pets. Blind followers. But (R/N)- well- I've seen him back talk to Satsuki without being disemboweled on the spot.

Ryuko: What about when he stopped Satsuki during our battle?

Sake: That's just one of many questions I have about him. When he clashed swords with Satsuki, he wasn't only saving you and Mankanshoku , but he was also putting his life on the line. Satsuki held the power to quickly dispatch him if she wanted to, but instead of growing more furious, she pulled back-

Ryuko: -Say one of the Elite four stopped her sword- what do you think she would have done?

Sake: If they survived the initial strike? Satsuki probably would've stuck them down in her moment of blind rage, yet seeing (R/N) forced Satsuki out of her trance. If he wasn't there... then you wouldn't be standing here today.

Ryuko scratches her chin.

Ryuko: So he frequently disobeys orders and even challenges her ideals... that really is odd for Honnouji... I always though Satsuki liked being top dog surrounded by ass kissers.

Sake: I did too- but that's not all. My sources are telling me that they've begun to "act as one". Have you noticed how they're always next to each other? Even when the school day starts and Satsuki is standing atop Honnouji tower, he's right there beside her. He's normally behind.

Ryuko: Hm... this is making me think that there's something between them. The special treatment is an obvious sign.

Sake: I wouldn't doubt that- But I'm not here to discuss their love life- Look, you're the only person at Honnouji who has the balls to stand up to the inequality here and has the strength to directly challenge Satsuki ... I know that you want to take her down... so anytime you need information, come straight to me. I'm willing to help.

Ryuko: I appreciate it. It's nice knowing that there's someone else I can trust in this hellhole.

Sake: Yeah... Here-

She picks up the stack of papers about you and hands it to Ryuko.

Sake: Take my notes... if Satsuki has a weakness, it's (R/N). He's the head we need to cut off if Satsuki is going to be dethroned.

Ryuko: Thanks. I'll look over these when I get the chance. Hopefully I don't get jumped on my way out of here.

Sake: I hope so too- good luck Ryuko Matoi. Find me if you need information.

Ryuko goes to leave the room but stops before exiting.

Ryuko: Wait- why are you doing this? What's your game?

Sake thinks for a long moment.

Sake: My game? Liberation.

Her eyes were full of courage.

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