Arc 1 Chapter 2: An Iron Fist

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~~~~~~~~~The Same Day~~~~~~

You left Satsuki at the Honnouji tower so you could attend to your daily duties of patrolling the halls. Anyone who was caught outside of their assigned classroom was to be disciplined immediately.

The hallways were usually pretty silent and they gave you an odd sense of isolation when traveling alone. Metal doors resembling those found on air tight submarines lined each hall. The doors lead to the school's hundred plus classrooms. They weren't designed to keep people out, but instead, to keep people in.

You couldn't help but to feel like the school was more of a prison than a place of academics, but you knew why everything was the way they were. It was top secret information passed to you by Satsuki herself and so you weren't permitted to speak to anyone about it.

Your rounds were going like usual with the occasional late student here and there but a loud crash and yelling from down the hall caught your attention.

You: Hm, outta check that out I guess.

You casually walk down the hall towards the loud sound.

???: -step forward and accept your punishment!

A deep male voice echoed from within a classroom that had it's door ripped off the hinges.

You: Huh? That sounded like-

When you approached the classroom, a large cloud of grey smoke seeped out of the doorway as a short kid with frizzy curly hair sprinted out holding some sort of item in his arms.

He had a panicked look on his face when he spotted you.

Kid: S-SHIT! Not this way!

He ran in the opposite direction towards a stairway.

The smoke from the classroom quickly dissipated and you take a look inside.

???: DAMN! A smoke bomb, what a COWARDLY TRICK!

The loud male voice belonged to Ira Gamagori, the head chairman of the Disciplinary Committee and one of the Elite Four. He towered over every scared student within the classroom, including you.

You: What was that all about?

Gamagori: There's a student who took a Goku Uniform. I was sniffing him out when he panicked and ran.

You: So that was the kid who ran by? He went down the Eastern stairs. You might wanna hurry up and catch him.

The classroom was a mess from Gamagori's brief raid.

You: I'll alert Lady Satsuki about what's going on.

Gamagori: You do that. I have a WEASEL TO CATCH.

He turns towards one of the large window panels lining the room and smashes through it like some sort of human cannon ball.

You: That man takes his job way too seriously.

You travel back up the tower to inform Satsuki about the situation concerning the stolen uniform.

You open the door to Satsuki's office. She sat in a chair surrounded by long windows that gave her an Eagle's view of the school grounds below.

You: Ira tracked down the kid who stole that one-star uniform-

Satsuki: -I'm well aware.

She points to the window infront of her.

You walk to the window she pointed to and peer down to the large dirt and concrete ground that lead up the main building of Honnouji.

Gamagori was talking down the uniform thief infront of the whole school.

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