Satsuki Kiryuin Journal Entry 1

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(R/N); The Descendant 

"The Samurai... considered by many to be the embodiment of honor, nobility, and duty. When the masses think of a warrior sworn to protect the innocent, most will imagine a Katana wielding sword saint capable of striking down an opponent with a single, calculated strike. 

The legends of a Samurai's unbreakable honor code is solidified in the Bushido texts, a set of seven virtues that guided a warrior in the ways of honor. 








But that is all a lie. 

The Samurai were a cruel cult of mercenaries who served lords known as the Daimyo. They were rich, spoiled elites who bought their way into the "Noble" position.

Under the laws of Feudal Japan, Samurai were set free to do as they wished with the general population. These warriors served themselves most of the time by taking what they wanted, when they wanted. People were killed in the streets just because they looked at a Samurai wrong. 

The historic texts written in their time were skewed to make them look like benevolent caregivers... but history as a habit of never being fully overwritten, and the true nature of the Samurai has been brought to the light in the past few centuries. Yet the world still sees these warriors as unbreakable shields of loyalty. Why? 

I don't know for certain, nor will I ever try to understand. 

The age of the Samurai ended during the battle of Shiroyama in 1877 when the last remaining Samurai were killed in battle when fighting off Imperial Japan. They held onto their ancient ways for as long as they could... and took their culture to the grave with them.

 Every. Last. One of them.

Yet it is said that a lone, Odachi wielding horse-rider made it out of the battle alive, his Bajutsu armor cracked and stained with blood. He broke nearly every virtue of the Bushido code by not dying on the battlefield with his comrades. No one knows where he went or how he made it out alive but one thing is certain, he carried the stench of cowardice every living moment of his life. 

Decades passed without a single spotting of the dishonorable Samurai, although there were accounts of Japaneses soldiers in World War One spotting a warrior wearing worn out Bajutsu armor watching over certain battlefields in mainland China, his Odachi reflecting warming light that guided soldiers to victory. The men described his presence as "spiritual" and "uplifting", almost like he would be there with the soldiers until the very end of the battle. They took to calling this specter 'The Bajutsu Spirit'.

More time passed and the legend of the surviving Samurai faded out of existence as World War Two shook Japan, forever changing the country... that was until a family of four was documented to have a set of ancient Samurai armor along with a great sword. The family was a group of traveling entertainers that performed public sword dancing shows for money. They eldest among them danced around with a massive battle scarred Odachi, swinging it in the air with masterful movements. When questioned about the origins of the set of gear, the patriarch of the family stated that the armor and weapon were heirlooms received from their predecessors. Historians identified the armor as horse-riding gear dating back to the early 1800's along with the sword. They continued to pass down these heirlooms from child to child, each becoming proficient in the art of sword dancing. 

This brings me to today, where the latest receiver of the armor and sword holds the second highest position at Honnouji Academy. It isn't known if there truly was a Samurai who ran from the battle that ended their era, nor if there was a 'Bajutsu Spirit' who led young Japanese soldiers into battle... but I choose to believe that (F/N) (L/N), the Vice-President of Honnouji and my possible life partner, is the descendant of a cowardly Samurai."

- Satsuki Kiryuin 

[A note lines the bottom of the page]

"Perhaps I should ask him to teach me how to sword dance. Could be fun."

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