Arc 1 Chapter 8.5: Two Sides of a Single Person

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(L/N)- Last name


Ragyo Kiryuin and Nui Harime watch as you exit the office space.

Nui: The spider catches another in her web.

Nui giggles at her comment.

Ragyo: I have big plans for him. (R/N) will prove to be a valuable resource to the Life Fibers and that outfit was the first step.

Nui: Did you see the discomfort on his face as he stood there under your control?

Ragyo: Well I can't blame the boy for being intimidated by me. I am a very dominating woman after all...

Ragyo let's out a coy laugh.

Ragyo: My daughter has him wrapped around her finger like a ring- and her finger is connected to my hand! They will make a mighty duo as Revocs spreads across this doomed planet. The world will answer to their every whim as they pray to me and the Life Fibers before The Great Assimilation brings us all together as one!

Something under Ragyo's skin pulsates and slithers around her arms just under the first layer of flesh.

Ragyo: Our purpose is almost fulfilled Nui... only a little while longer!

~~~~~~~Back At Hannouji~~~~~

Satsuki paces back and fourth in her lounge area dressed in silk pajamas, her bare feet slaping against the hardwood floor with each step.

She was deep in thought and didn't notice Mr.Soroi standing at the door with a fresh brew of tea.

Mr.Soroi: Mila- Lady Satsuki-

Satsuki's head snaps in his direction.

Satsuki: Oh- Yes Soroi?

Mr.Soroi: Your tea is ready ma'am.

He sets down the kettle and a tea cup on a nearby table.

Mr.Soroi: You seem very stressed ma'am. Are you okay?

Satauki: I'm fine. Your concern is flattering but I assure you that my worries are my own.

The old man reads her body language and quickly figures out what was wrong with her.

Mr.Soroi: You're concerned about Mr.(L/N) aren't you?

Satsuki takes a moment before answering him.

Satsuki: Yes... I am. I know how my mother can be. I know the things shes willing to do to get her way-

Mr.Soroi: -I'm sure he's okay miss. The Kiryuin matriarch wouldn't harm you like that.

Satsuki rubs her arm to visibly show her concern. Then she shakes away her thoughts and faces Mr.Soroi.

Satsuki: Is it okay for me to be acting like this? Leaders have to be strong at all times-

Mr.Soroi: -every leader has their moments of weakness ma'am. To the students, you are Lady Satsuki, Student Council President of Honnouji Academy. They must know that you're a capable leader and so far you have proven yourself to be exactly that. But to (R/N), you're just Satsuki Kiryuin, his close friend and confidant. He doesn't care about you because of your position as President... he cares about you because of who you are as a person.

Mr.Soroi walks over to a small picture frame resting on a table resting by the door. He picks it up and hands it to Satsuki.

The picture showed two children, a boy and a girl no older than twelve years old, standing infront of a camera outside of a newly built Honnouji Academy. In the center of the frame was the girl with a stern emotionless face and right next to her was the boy with his elbow resting on her shoulder. His face was bright and full of life.

Satsuki stares at the photo, remembering the day it was taken.

Mr.Soroi: He's been with you since the beginning. I've seen the two of you grow up together. So yes madam, it's okay for you to show your emotions like this. Especially to him.

Satsuki continues to stare at the photo.

Then, she smiles.

Satsuki: Thank you Soroi. I'll remember that.

Mr.Soroi bows and walks toward the door.

Mr.Soroi: I must attend to some cleaning ma'am. I wish you a goodnight.

Satsuki: As well you sir.

After he leaves the room, Satsuki takes the photo in her hand and carries it to her bedroom.

She puts the frame on a bedside table facing her mattress.

Satsuki: This belongs here... right next to me... just like him...

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