Arc 1 Chapter 8: Ragyo Kiryuin; The Puppet Master

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You shift in an uncomfortable helicopter seat as the grey sky outside of a circular window whizzes by. Rain slapped the glass with firce power.

You were currently riding in a repurposed military transport helicopter to be taken to the Revocs Corporation HQ. Satsuki's mother, Ragyo Kiryuin, was the founder and CEO of the textile cloathing company.

Revocs, being one of the most influential cloathing suppliers across the globe, made the Kiryuin family filthy rich and gave them absolute power over many political actions taken by Japan's government. Ragyo's power didn't end at the government thought. Her reach seeped into the schools of Japan as well.

Any school that flew Hannouji Academy's banner was under Satsuki's rule. Satsuki was under her mother's guidance, essentially making Ragyo the true puppet master of the education system. The schools were sponsored by Revocs and so they got all their funding from Ragyo.

A part of you hated how her fingers were in every major industry in Japan but another part of you had to give props to the woman. This was quite the amazing conglomerate she built and it deserved some respect.

You peered out of the window and gawk at what you see.

Just below you was an amazing view of a darkened city lit up by bright lights shining through nearly every window of Revocs sponsored buildings. At the center of the city was a massive all glass building that was the size of a small mountain. There were no corners or brick like sections of the building. It had a massive base that slanted up towards a single point. At its peak was a tower lit up with bright yellow lights.

Your helicopter was heading straight for the tower.

You tightly griped your Odachi as your nerves hightened. Only once had you met Ragyo Kiryuin and in that brief encounter you knew that she was a very dangerous woman... if you can even call her that.

The helicopter rises above the tower and slowly lowers onto a landing pad. You could tell that the tower was well over a thousand feet tall.

When the helicopter touches down, you take a deep breath and open the sliding door after thanking the pilot.

As soon as your feet hit the ground, a short dark skinned woman under an umbrella wearing sunglasses greets you. Why she was wearing sunglasses was beyond you.

Woman: Welcome Mr.(L/N). You're on time but please follow me quickly, I have a scedual to keep.

She sounded extremely professional and gave off an orderly energy.

You: Oh- Of course. I'll be right behind you.

She turns backwards and marches to a metal door locked by a keypad. The woman enters a six digit code causing the door to slide open with a satisfying hiss.

You follow closely behind as she leads you through a very well decorated stairwell.

A few twists and turns through various identical hallways was a very disorienting experience but the woman knew exactly where she was going as if she had a GPS installed in her head.

All the bright white hallways of endless silence eventually lead to a set of even whiter double doors.

Woman: Ms.Kiryuin is just inside.

She looks at your Odachi.

Woman: I must request you leave your weapon out here with me.

You hesitated to comply with her order but Ragyo was a high profile woman, it only made sense that you had to hand over your Odachi.

You reluctantly gave it to the woman who effortlessly picked it up with one hand and stood aside of the door.

Woman: You may enter now.

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