Arc 1 Chapter 5: The Wedding Dress

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~~~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~

???: (R/N)!

A loud slam startles you awake.

You: WHA-!

You tip out of the chair you were resting in and crash to the floor.


You look around in a groggy haze and spot Satsuki standing tall infront of you with her hands on the hilt of her sword. She had slammed it down to wake you up.

Satsuki: You were asleep.

You: I was? You didn't have to wake me up like that-

Satsuki: -You shouldn't have been asleep in the first place. You're supposed to be my second in command, act like it.

You: Sorry Lady Satsuki... won't happen again...

You lift yourself up and place the chair where it belongs.

You were in your office. It was devoid of any life apart from you and Satsuki.

You: Did you need something ma'am?

Satsuki: I did. Matoi is about to make a move on Omiko Hakodate, President of the Girl's Tennis Club. I want to be there to watch the match play out so I may respond accordingly to Matoi's abilities. This is where she proves herself to be a threat or not. I want- You need to be there with me.

You: Right. Sorry again for sleeping on the job.

You lift your Odachi up into your nondominat hand and follow Satsuki through Honnouji Tower.

You arrive at the highrise portion of the tower that overlooked the main courtyard.

Down below was a massive tennis court erected dead center of the courtyard. It was surrounded by spiked walls and onlookers all ready to watch the match between Hakodate and Ryuko take place.

The two girls faced eachother with cocky smiles on their faces, both confident that they could beat the other.

Sanageyama was one of these onlookers and acted as the point man.

Hakodate was wearing a two star goku uniform and held an unweildly looking tennis racket made of life fibers.

Ryuko was in her very revealing Kamui and held a normal tennis racket put together with flimsy looking fishing line.

You: They're going to do an actual tennis match? What's the point?

Satsuki: Just watch.

Ryuko was up to serve.

She volleys the ball into the air and strikes it with the power of her Kamui.

Hakodate simply bats it back with her racket with enough force to bust through Ryuko's when she attempted to return the ball.

Ryuko throws away her broken racket and picks up another one.

The same thing happens with Ryuko's racket breaking agaisnt Hakodate's strength. The simple design of Ryuko's rackets were causing them to fail when faced with the power of a Goku uniform.

You: Ryuko is going to lose if she keeps using those.

Satsuki: Indeed. I wonder how she'll respond.

Ryuko stops the match a moment and yells to her friend, Mako Mankanshoku, to throw her the red scissor blade resting next to the tired girl.

She catches the weapon and pulls out a loose fiber from her Kamui. Then she wraps the fiber about the closed circular hilt to make a pseudo-tennis racket out of her blade.

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