Arc 1 Chapter 9: Goshujin

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The transport helicopter touches down on a helipad behind Honnouji Tower.

You held your Odachi in one hand and the accursed outfit Ragyo gave you in the other. You could feel it pulsating on a microscopic level as the Life Fibers desperately search for blood to satiate it's hunger.

You: 'Goshujin'... 'Husband'... just holding it makes me sick. But if it means helping Satsuki then I have no choice than to wear it.

You slide open the helicopter doors, your legs buckling upon touching solid ground after the long ride.

The skies of Hannouji Academy were a very welcoming sight when compared to the dreadful energy surrounding the Revocs building. This was home.

Gamagori was awaiting your return along with a few members of the disciplinary club. They were all lined up in rows, standing at attention.

Gamagori and Members: Welcome back (R/N)!

The spoke in a flat militaristic tone of voice.

Gamagori: How was your trip to Revocs Headquarters?

You: Disturbing and eye opening.

You hold up Goshujin.

You: I need to see Satsuki and the president of the Sewing Club. Do you know where she's at right now?

Gamagori: In an important meeting with some administrators. That's why I was sent to greet you. Shiro Iori should be down in the Sewing Club lab though if your business with him is urgent.

You: Got it. Thanks Ira. Anything happen while I was gone?

Gamagori: We held No-Lates Day and removed the leading chairman of the Traps Club from her position.

You: What'd she do?

Gamagori: Attempted to get her hands on Ryuko Matoi's Kamui so she could over throw Satsuki.

You burst out laughing.

You: BAHAHAHA! Tell me another joke! But seriously, did she really think that her Kamui was the key to challenging Satsuki? I expected more from a girl of her intelligence. Oh well, I'll cut her name from the records when I get the chance. I'm off to the Sewing Club.

Gamagori: Understood.

All the club members bow to you as you walk past them and Gamagori.

You: Oh, could you send Inumuta down to the Sewing labs? I think he'll want to analyze this.

Gamagori: I'll contact him right away.

You nod your head in acknowledgement and stroll into Hannouji Tower.


The Sewing Club labs were constructed deep underneath Hannouji Academy. You had to travel through many well secured hallways lined with security cameras and bunker-like concrete walls just to reach them. Of all clubs at Hannouji, the Sewing Club was the most important. It received more funding than all the clubs combined.

Soon, you approached two industrial metal doors. They slide open as you approach.

You were greeted with a massive rectangular chasm that dropped tens of stories deep. Metal racks akin to what you would see in a dry cleaning shop carry various Goku uniforms up and down the chasm. Small testing labs were constructed inside of the stone walls. Many different types of experiments were being carried out in these rooms, all with one purpose. Make the Goku uniforms as powerful as possible.

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