Arc 2 Chapter 18: Highway to the Unknown

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I: Scripture From The Mad


It's all that met your ears as the taxi drives down a street of vibrant cars all going about their business. Satsuki sat back in her seat, staring at the cabin's roof as the flickering's of thought passes through her mind. You could see her face scrunch up as her focus was broken by the taxi driver calling to the back seat.. 

Driver: So uh, where'm I takin' the two of you? Downtown? The park? 

Satsuki: Don't know yet. Keep driving in random directions and don't stop. 

Driver: You sure? You're paying by the mile-

Satsuki: -I'll pay you in full. Money isn't a problem. Just keep driving or you won't get payed at all. 

Driver: What ever you's says ma'am.

Satsuki eyes the balding driver up an down. His rotund body was compressed in his seat so tight that it looked like he would need a second person to help pry him out of it. Old food wrappers and soda bottles littered the passenger seat. The man practically lived in this taxi. You watch as he occasionally takes his eyes off the road and then onto Satsuki's cleavage in the rearview mirror. 

Satsuki: Driver. What's your name?

Driver: Darren. 

Satsuki: Darren? Sounds Western. 

Driver: That's cause it is. Born and raised in Detroit. Came here lookin' fo opportunity. Now I'm just a fuckin' taxi driva. 

Satsuki: Well Darren, there's a healthy tip waiting for you at the end of this trip. If you do one thing for me. 

Driver: Was'that? 

Satsuki: You ignore every word we say. You hear nothing. You repeat nothing. You know nothing. 

Driver: Ah, I get's it. What are you? Government?

Satsuki: Sounds like to me you don't want that tip-

Driver: -Oh I do! Shuttin' up now. 

You give Satsuki a curious look. 

She turns to you then slips her hand up to her chest, pulling out a small roll of paper from her cleavage. The taxi driver lets out an almost inaudible "woah".

Satsuki: I had an- encounter- with your grandfather before we left. He gave me this and said to hand it to you when everything was safe. He was faking his illness (R/N)... Feigning to be losing his mind. He knows about REVOCs. My mother. He knows that something big is coming. 

She gently slips the paper into your hands. It was moist from what you figured was sweat. 

Unwrapping the small parchment, you're greeted with rows of text all handwritten in presumably a rush. 

The Note: 

"(R/N)), I don't have a lot of time. I rarely ever get a moment when they're not watching me, so I'm going to get right to the point. The Life Fibers are capable of much more than anyone ever thought. I heard a rumor that Satsuki has taken her Wedding Dress. I'm sure you've already seen that Kamui in action. But their power goes so far beyond that. Your grandmother worked tirelessly to unweave their secrets but Ragyo suppressed her research. Forced her to work on the 'Kamui Project'. Junketsu was the result of all her time and energy. Ragyo takes credit for it's creation but I know the truth... I know lots of truths.

One such truth lies within my greatest project. The 'augmentation' initiative. I lead a group of Japans greatest minds through the process of creating a Life Fiber weave that could empower a person without the need of a Kamui. The experimentation began on mice. Then dogs. Then larger animals such as dolphins and lions. What we discovered was, horrifying. The weave did so much more than empower a person with the strength of a Life Fiber... it turned them into a drone. A super human that followed the every whim of the person who has a 'puppet master' weave. Ragyo took great interest in these specific weaves. If she were to inject this 'puppet master' weave into herself then infect the masses with the 'augmentation' weave, then she would have total control of pretty much everything. There would be no stopping her. You must listen to me. DO NOT ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE INFECTED BY THIS WEAVE! DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM RAGYO! 

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