Arc 2 Chapter 10.5: New Wounds

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Finally... the financial report for the administration was completed.

You and Satsuki had to tirelessly work on over one-hundred pages of handwritten documentation about Honnouji Academy's finances in a dark and humid room. You wanted to strangle the person on the committee who demanded the blasted report in the first place but Satsuki convinced you that it was for the greater good of the school.

When the documents were all stapled and ordered, you sent it down to the post office where it would be shipped to the administration office.

You flop down into you office chair and take a sigh of relief.

You: Thank GOD that's over! I don't want to write another word for the next week!

Satsuki laughs at your comment.

Satsuki: I agree. That was a pain but we got it done. Now if you'll excuse me, I wish to train a little with Junketsu before the day is over.

You: Awesome, I've been itching to fight!

Satsuki: -I want to train alone for now (R/N). I have some... things I need to think about with a sword in my hand. I can't do that if you're there.

You: Oh... well I guess I'll just... go to my quarters and relax then.

Satsuki takes a bow and walks out of your office.

The air in your office becomes stale the moment she leaves. It was like she took all the energy in the room with her.

You: I just spent the past four days cramped in an office with her and yet I feel alone when she leaves... strange.

You shake off the curious feeling then head straight to your quarters. There you take a short nap, practiced some new attacks, and read a book on your recliner.

Three hours pass by extremely fast. You were only made aware of the time when the phone next to your chair begins to ring, causing you to look at the time.

You: Who is calling me at nine o'clock?

You pick up the phone.

You: Hello?

Mr.Soroi (Phone): Hello sir. Ms.Kiryuin has requested you to come to her quarters.

You: Um... sure thing. I'll be there in a minute.

You throw on a pair of slippers and take the elevator to Satsuki's floor.

When the doors open, you head straight to the main room.

Mr.Soroi was standing in front of a glass case with velvet lining. Inside was Junketsu squirming around the case. The only things keeping it from moving were large needles stabbed into the arms and neck hole of the outfit. You could sense its anger.

Next to the case was a door that lead to Satsuki's bathroom, you could hear the shower running on the other side.

You: Nasty thing isn't it?

Mr.Soroi: It tried to hurt her today-

You: It what?!

Mr.Soroi: While she was training, Junketsu attempted to drain as much blood from her as possible. It cut a gash in her arm where the blood is normally taken from.

You: Is she okay?!

Mr.Soroi: She wouldn't tell me is she wasn't. She requested that you talk to her.

You: Alright, I'll be waiting for her until she gets out-

Mr.Soroi: -no. She told me to send you in.

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