Arc 2 Chapter 16.5: Uprooted Reality

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I apologize for this .5 chapter being so short. I ran into an issue on my PC that will require me to do a total reinstallation of windows, cutting deeply into my time. Sorry about that. I should have a new main chapter out by next week. 

Update From the Future: Im reuploading this part due to some table of content issues. I greatly apologize for everything being out of order for so long.

Have a great day!


You lay wide awake on the thin floor mattress unable to fall asleep. The room was pitch black with a small ray of moonlight illuminating you and Satsuki. Terrifying thoughts about your family's unknown association with Ragyo Kiryuin endlessly drifted through your mind, hammering in more and more confusion. Everything seemed to be crumbling around you as your black and white love for your family faded from existence. They were supposed to be just simple traveling entertainers... now... now they seemed so much more. 

The day's revelation shook you to your core.

Satsuki was the exact same way. She huddled up close to you trying her best to push the haunting photo of her mother out of her mind but the words, "My closest allies" circled her brain, infecting it with confusion and fear. She knew the Life Fiber threat was universal across the globe but she couldn't wrap her head around just how deep the situation went. Satsuki couldn't stop questioning if she was only seeing a small portion of a larger, more substantial issue that went beyond her... beyond Ragyo... beyond Earth.

Never in your short lives had either of you felt more displaced in the world. Your simple plant like views had been uprooted and then replaced with a tree of unknown possibilities. Each branch would potentially reveal a new terrifying reality if you investigated it, a reality you weren't sure you wanted to know. 

Satsuki: (R/N)... are we in over our heads? I mean- this all went deep before but now- who knows what we have to prepare for? 

You: I have no idea- There's so much we don't know... so much we don't want to know...

Satsuki: This might change everything. We have to investigate this no matter what we discover. 

Satsuki sits up and rubs her eyes. There were bags underneath them. Her face was painted with distraught. 

Satsuki: This- doesn't affect anything between us, right? 

She turns to you. Her black hair glistened in the moonlight along with her pale skin beautifully glowing in it's rays. 

You: We're still the same people in my eyes Satsuki. If anything, this deepens our cause... even if it's terrifying. 

Satsuki: Good to know. 

You hear your grandfather's muffled yelling from the other room. He had been like that all night, adding onto your crippling sense of fear. 

Satsuki: His secrets... we won't be able to access them, will we? 

You: I don't think so. He's in the late stages of his condition... all we can do is play by ear on what he babbles on about-

Satsuki sighs then repositions herself next to you by wrapping an arm around your chest and draping a leg over you. She held on tightly, trying to extract some sort of person to person comfort from you.

Her embrace shielded you from the unfamiliar existential world you now inhabited. You had been torn from your reality and tossed into a new one... but at least she was here with you...

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