Arc 1 Chapter 3: The Girl in the Kamui

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You awoke at normal time the very next day to begin your daily ritual of setting up the school.

No alarms had been tripped and the hallways were clear minus any teachers walking through.

You stepped out into the front courtyard to bask in the early morning sun. The circular concrete walls towered over you like elite guards protecting a highly valued gem stone, that gem being Honnouji Academy.

Hanging from barbed wire attached to the long opening between the concrete walls was the uniform thief, bloodied and beaten with a wooden sign draped over his front body.

Sign: This is a naked pig who dared to defy Honnouji Academy. Justice has been served.

The boy was barely alive and was taking shallow breaths to keep himself that way.

You: Gamagori really let him have it... guess that's what happens when you piss off the head of the Disciplinary Committee.

The boy would be let down by the end of the day and would be kicked out of Honnouji for good. Stealing a uniform, no matter what star level, was an instant expulsion from the school.

Soon, the school day began like it always does with you standing with Satsuki atop Honnouji Tower, watching the students enter the premises.


The final horn of the day sounded across campus.

Students flooded out of every classroom like wild animals who have been kept in cages for days on end. They were rabid and excited to leave school.

You exited the front doors into the court yard like before with Satsuki and Gamagori. Any student who saw the three of you instantly began to bow in respect... and fear.

Seeing Satsuki around the other students was an uncommon event that everyone treated as a big deal. All the no-stars would line up in two rows to create a path of bodies clear of anything in her path. The one and two-stars huddled near her as a protective dome of drones. They only did this in hopes of being noticed by her.

These actions by the students annoyed you to no end.

Your place was where you have always been, by her side.

The sky turned grey as rain clouds rolled in from over the walls of Honnouji.

About half-way to the exit, a loud female voice yells out from the line of student bodies.

???: Sorry to interrupt, but I hear you're Queen Bee at this school-

A girl, not dressed in the mandated school uniform, slides out from the crowd. You recognized her as the girl you met in the restaurant by taking a look at the red streak in her hair. The large steel case was still on her back.

She had the look of both a braveheart and a fool.

???: -if ya' are, I got a question for you!

She was demanding an answer from Satsuki.

No one had ever done that before without dying.

No-Star: How dare you?! Get her!

A group of no-star students try jumping the girl but are quickly dispatched.

She then reaches to her back and whips out the steels case, opens it, and draws out a sword like weapon.

It was a crimson red scissor blade, or atleast half of one.

She pointed the weapon at Satsuki.

Satsuki seemed to be intrigued by the girl's audacity to directly challenge her.

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