Arc 1 Chapter 4: The Sparrow and the Eagle

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Satsuki leads you back into her main office with a fire raging in her eyes.

Watching Ryuko take down Fukuroda sparked a passion in Satsuki that you hadn't seen in years.

All the lights in the room were out. You could only see what the grey outside light illuminated.

There was no droning background noises or random people speaking, just the sounds of you and Satsuki walking around. It was a tranquil space.

Satsuki: You must have questions about what you just saw.

You: I have a few... why was she dressed like that?

Satsuki: Because she was wearing a Kamui. A very powerful piece of cloathing capable of amplifying a person's power. It's made entirely of Life Fibers.

You: Entirely of Life Fibers?! How? Where did she manage to get such an outfit?

Satuki: It is more than just an outfit. A Kamui is a living thing that works with the person wearing it, the cloathing and user become as one when activated. As for where she acquired it, I don't know for sure, but I believe it has something to do with her father, Isshin Matoi. He worked with my mother to create the goku uniforms.

You: And now his daughter is on your doorstep with a Kamui demanding answers about his death. This is getting interesting.

Satsuki: Indeed but we must be cautious. The full extent of her power is unknown.

Satsuki leans her sword agaisnt the back of a white chair.

You: You still didn't answer my question about why the Kamui looks like that.

Satsuki: When a Kamui is activated, it draws blood from the user and circulates it throughout the Life Fibers, giving them power. The more Life Fibers a Kamui has, the more blood it needs. So the bare minimum coverage is used to keep the user alive long enough to utilize the Kamui, hence the skimpy outfit. That and the embarrassment a user feels while wearing the Kamui is a filter of sorts. If a person is embarrassed by the way it looks, then the filter will stop them from utilizing the full power of the Kamui.

You: So it sacrifices personal appearance for power... odd. How do you plan on combating it?

Satsuki: I'm currently figuring that out. I'll throw another club president at her to fully gauge her strength and make a decision from there.

You: What do you want me to do until then?

Satsuki: Nothing. Your focus should continue to be on Honnouji, not her. Leave Ryuko to the elite four.

You: Got it.

You place your Odachi next to Satsuki's katana, dwarfing the already large weapon.

Satsuki stares at your sword with curiosity.

Satsuki: I still don't understand how you can wield this monstrosity.

She slides her hand across it's red fiber hilt, taking in the master craftsmanship.

You: There is no understanding Satsuki. You see, I am a sparrow who has the strength to vigorously flaps his wings in order to catch a fleeting insect.

You pick up Satsuki's katana and analyze it. The hilt felt small in your hands in comparison to your Odachi's.

When unsheathed, the blade reflected any light striking it with perfect clarity.

You: You are an eagle who soars high in the sky and swoops down in a single montion to catch an unaware fish. We are both of the same species, yet we hunt differently. We move differently. But at the end of they day, we still catch our prey. Asking the sparrow how the eagle soars is a redundant question. You won't get an answer.

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