Arc 2 Chapter 17: Deeper Darkness

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Bright, unyielding light shining from an unknown source blinds you as a loud voice from afar speaks with fleeting confidence.

"Return. Finish your story. But you must draw a card sooner or later."

Your vision suddenly goes black as the light retreats back into it's nameless void of origin.


I: Dormant Awakening

A soothing voice calls your name while your body is gently rocked side to side. The strange dream of the man with his deck of cards washes away as the sensations bring you to open your crusted over eyes.

You spot a hazy figure leaning over you, it's long black hair tickling your cheeks. Gentle mint scented breath hits your nostrils.

Satsuki: It's about time you woke up. You've been out for quite awhile.

You wipe the sleep from your eyes.

You: What time is it?

Satsuki: Almost nine o'clock. You were sleeping like a dead man for awhile.

You: I feel like it... must've been travel exhaustion.

Satsuki stands up while extending her arm towards you. She had already gotten dressed in her day wear and was motioning for you to do the same.

Satsuki: Come on. We have a lot to get done- Partner.

You take her hand with a sly smirk painted across your lips.

You: That we do.

II: Mad Eyes

Satsuki closes the door to the spare bedroom the two of you were sharing to allow you to change in private. A rumbling in her stomach acts as a reminder that she hadn't eaten since dinner last night.

Then for a brief moment, her mind flashes back to the previous nights events.

The attic.

The photos.

The picture of her mother.

She takes a deep breath to refocus her thoughts. These were issues that needed to be answered within the confines of Honnouji, not in a home that now felt as mysterious as the white stars above.

The stairwell leading to the first floor of the house lay at the end of the hall of where she stood. Four doors leading to various rooms on each side of the hallway present themselves in the dim late-morning sunlight shining from a window behind her. Three were wide open while one was cracked just a few inches. Light from the rising sun hits a shining object beyond the cracked the doorway.

Satsuki: Hm. The doors on the right lead to two bedrooms while the only opened door on the left leads to the bathroom... what's behind the cracked door?

Satsuki let's her curiosity guide her to the door. She's careful to keep a sensitive ear on any noises in the hallway to avoid getting called out on her snooping.

She slides her fingers between the doorframe and the door to open it just far enough to get a clear peak at the shining object. Her inquisitive eyes are met with a small closet full of hanging jackets, old shoes, and musty boxes.

Further investigation reveals the source of the shining reflective light to be from a metal name tag pinned to a black lab coat belonging to your mother. Something felt off about it-

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