Satsuki Kiryuin Journal Entry 3

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My Thoughts On Paper

"I don't know why I'm writing this... my heart just... aches... as weird as that sounds. 

Growing up, I was taught that love makes people weak. 

'They're a liability.'

'They'll stab you in the back when you're at your weakest'

'No one can truly love. It's a myth'

'You can only trust yourself'

Those were the only phrases I heard from Ragyo on the topic as a child. She indoctrinated this idea of love leading to failure into me without my consent... and I hate her for that, but there was a guiding force who told me what love really was like.


He would go on an on about how amazing love was when we were alone. I never forgot his stories about his deceased wife and the antics they would get into in their younger years. He described love as a bond between two people that cannot be broken. 

'A life partner will stay by your side though thick and thin. They will carry you out of the darkness and face your greatest fears with you.' 

I try to live by those words when it comes to my allies. 





They would all march into hell with me, ready to face the world's worst... yet I know each of them would falter in one way or another. 

But (R/N)... he would bring me Satan's head on a platter if it meant making me happy. 

He's seen me at my worst. 

He's seen me fall in battle. 

He's seen me cry alone. 

And each time he's encouraged me to work towards my best.

He's picked me up and continued to fight a losing battle. 

...He's sat next to me to wipe away my tears. 

I can't deny my feelings for him any more. I refuse to. It would be a disservice to both of us because every time I see him smile, I smile. When he laughs, my whole soul laughs. When he's wounded in battle, I feel his pain.  

I can't-"

[The text on the paper grows increasing sloppy as if someone was fighting tears while writing] 

"- stop myself from loving him. I've tr ied. why am i ev en wr iting this? is i t okay that i f e el like thi s? He's alw ays bee n he re for me-"

[The ink on the page is smeared all across the bottom, making the next lines illegible. A large wet spot permanently stains the paper]

"How did things turn out this way? Every day I wake up and learn more about myself because of him. We began as partners, simple partners... and now he's the love of my life. There. I wrote it. This is me facing myself and ADMITTING it. 

I'm not afraid to say it any more. Ragyo has chained me down for too long now! 

To hell with her philosophy on love. 

He's been here day in, day out... always with me. And I know that when the world comes burning down around us with no way out, he'll hold me in his arms, sing us a funeral song, and embrace the end with me. 

If that isn't love, then I don't know what is."

- Satsuki Kiryuin

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